NEW: Civics Meet-Up is now open for #UNRIG conversations across the country. Robert Steele is leading one in Oakton at noon on 4th of July.
NEW: is now open. Includes a detailed budget, free bumper stickers, posters, polo shirt embroidery ideas, pins, and more.
NEW: Cynthia is back in the USA on 2 July, we will appear together at a major black celebration in St. Louis Missouri on 3 July. Email to propose a skype or a visit to further the national conversation about #UNRIG in July, constituent approaches to Members in August.
OLD: IndieGoGo-UNRIG hit 10% of the $250K goal today, seeking another $25K by 11 July — help if you can. Everyone gets a Certificate as a Founding Citizen of the 2nd American Revolution. Anyone donating in next ten days is likely to still be in the first 500 — we are at 346 today.