Anthony Judge: Governance as “Juggling” — Juggling as “Governance”

Cultural Intelligence, Government
Anthony Judge

Governance as “juggling” — Juggling as “governance”

Dynamics of braiding incommensurable insights for sustainable governance

Multitasking: the work-life balance understood through the metaphor of juggling
Juggling as a metaphor in governance and policy implementation
Braiding the Triple Helix and beyond — as an exercise in juggling?
Elusive implications of helical geometry for governance?
Recognition of juggling in practice in relation to cognitive development and creativity
Juggling of concepts, theories and topics
Juggling of metaphors as a dynamic key to elusive challenges of governance
Juggling highly controversial metaphors as a key to higher orders of governance?
Juggling as a “Rosetta dynamic” — as its own metaphor of governance?
Fundamental operational concepts, jury size and the Greeks
Correspondences between juggling and governance
Determining the requisite number of patterns, partners and “balls” in governance
Acquiring a “sense” of 12 modalities for viable system awareness?

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