American Herald Tribune: The Amazon Robbery

Commerce, Corruption, Government

The Amazon Robbery

Margaret Kimberly

In New York, the highway robbery totals $1.7 billion in “incentives.” It equals $65,000 for every resident. Giving $65,000 to every person would be just and democratic and a true economic boon. But public officials no longer exist to help the public. They are the errand boys and girls for the billionaire rulers. Cuomo and de Blasio agreed to side step the New York City Council oversight ordinarily needed for projects of this type.

The crime is multifaceted, with corporate welfare accelerating, and the inevitable lies to the public along with it. There is a bigger lie about the efficacy of these dubious dealings and how public dollars should be spent. These swindles are proof of a damaged democracy in which the people never get what they want.

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