Dear President & Professor Tickell,
I am a former US spy recommended for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017, I urge you to take this message most seriously.
Kees van der Pijl your professor emeritus, is absolutely correct in his assertions with respect to 9/11 and the role of the Zionists. What he does not say is that 9/11 started as commercial insurance fraud in 1989 and was quickly converted by Dick Cheney, with the approval of George H. W. Bush, into a future false flag and terrorist event.
You can read the 28 memoranda delivered to President Trump and his varied intimates on 8 August 2018, at this URL: http://tinyurl.com/911-POTUS. This is going to be an election issue in the USA in 2020. The Zionists are panicking because I and others including the eminent Peter Dale Scott, David Ray Griffin, and Richard Gage have been very effective at marshaling the facts. Long URL if you fear tinyurls:
I urge you to use this material to refute the Zionist secret police campaign to pressure you. This is what they have been doing with myths and false reports (to include hundreds of trolls reporting my distinguished web site as a pornography site in a vain attempt to get libraries and others to stop visiting) — you can see the six ways in ninety days that I and Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney were attacked by the Zionists at http://tinyurl.com/
You are being pressured by a group that labels any criticism of it to be hate. This is not so. They are culpable for the genocide of the Palestinians and many atrocities world wide including the USS Liberty and 9/11. The signal meaning of the Trump presidency is not that he is a character but rather that he has slammed down on the Orwellian double speak that labels truth to be a lie, war to be peace, etcetera.
Within five years at most, possibly within a year or two, there will be a criminal grand jury on 9/11 and the perpetrators — both US traitors and Zionists — will be publicly exposed in detail with a presidential level of credibility that even the mainstream media, captive servant of the Deep State that it is, cannot conceal.
I humbly and respectfully urge you to be on the right side of history and not be intimidated by people who are accustomed to smash people such as you with lies, innuendo, public pressure, and the standard Zionist hate and victim cards.
Robert David Steele
Chief Enabling Officer (CeO)
Earth Intelligence Network (non-profit)
Open Source Everything, Inc. (profit)