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ROBERT STEELE: Within the US Intelligence Community, I consider John Brenna, James Comey, James Clapper, and Michael Hayden to be indictable for treason (high crimes and misdemeanors), each of them betraying their oaths of public office — to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies domestic and foreign. Absent justice at the highest levels, the President cannot and should not trust the US intelligence and counterinterintellience communities about anything at all.
As a side note, if the FBI were at all honest, Jared Kushner and his father would be in jail today. Our President is correct, we have a rigged system, but as long as his in-laws are getting away with high crimes, he lacks standing on this issue.
See Especially:
William Binney: Russiagate is a Complete Hoax — Russian “Hack” DID NOT HAPPEN
William Binney: The Russians Did Not Hack the DNC or Anything Else!
See Also:
Robert Steele with Hanna Nabintu Herland, “NEW Herland Report TV Show: Our political system is totally corrupted, rigged for “pay-for-play”, Herland Report, 12 May 2019.
Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia, “Counterintelligence Failure by CIA and NSA in Venezuela: An Opportunity for President Donald Trump to Reform US Intelligence,” American Herald Tribune, 10 May 2019. PBI BackUp also in Tehran Times (13 May 2019).
Robert Steele, “BOOK REVIEW – Jared Kushner: Greed, ambition, corruption – Robert Steele,” Herland Report, 5 April 2019. PBI BackUp
Robert Steele, “Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin — Deep State Playbook” Russian International Affairs Council, 5 April 2019. PBI BackUp
Robert Steele, “Memorandum for the President of the United States of America, Subject: Election 2020, Jarvanka, MoveOn Boycott of AIPAC, and Your Legacy,” American Herald Tribune, 22 March 2019. PBI BackUp
Steele, Robert, “Intelligence at a Cross Roads: To Be Or Not To Be (Review of Principled Spying by David Omand and Mark Phythian),” American Herald Tribune, 25 June 2018. PBI BackUp
Steele, Robert, “Grand Theft, Mass Murder and Legalized Lies – Book Review as Epitaph,” American Herald Tribune, 19 June 2018. PBI BackUp
Steele, Robert, “The Assault on Intelligence: American National Security in an Age of Lies – Book Review,” American Herald Tribune, 5 June 2018. PBI BackUp