Global Insight from Crown Chakra Dynamics in 3D?
Strategic viability through interrelating 1,000 perspectives in virtual reality
Linked Table of Contents Below the Fold
Simpler crown chakra models
Design options for a crown chakra with more complex dynamics
Framing crown chakra dynamics in relation to symmetrical polyhedra
Rendering crown chakra dynamics through interlocking tori
Perspectives, projections and learning processes in 3D modelling
Cognitive embodiment in the crown chakra?
From helicopter to “psychopter”: the role of anti-torque?
Crown chakra understood as an axial turbofan — an “attention breathing” jet engine?
Balancing duality: objectivity vs subjectivity?
Complementarity of pattern languages — an all-encompassing meta-pattern?
Dependence of viable global governance on pattern management?
Meta-pattern, Meta-poesis and Music