Dr. Eowyn, African-American professor finds more than 2 in 3 hate crimes are fake
When the mainstream media publishes nothing but “fake news” and frequently cites phony statistics and pseudo-science, it is refreshing to have an academician–and a black scholar, to boot!–publish an expose of what’s really going on, because virtually none of these “hate crimes” is real and the looting, rioting and unprecedented vandalism of statues and monuments has no warrant but appears to be part and parcel of an effort to destroy icons of our history and thereby our national identity.
Phi Beta Iota: Most black hate organizations appear to be funded and managed by Zionists. The Zionists frequently sponsor fake hate crimes against synagogues whenever genocidal Israel is feeling pressure and the Zionists want to use their anti-Semitism “trick” as revealed below by a Zionist minister on television.