Dear Mr. President,
I will be brief. I will list 7 major problems we face AND THEN PROVIDE simple low cost solutions. I also ask that investors see many of these as investment opportunities.
The infrastructure of the USA is in peril.
- The electric power grid is in great danger from external forces both natural and man made.
- Nuclear power stations are leaking and aged. We have no place to put its toxic waste.
- Coal plants are closing due to economic pressure from natural gas.
- Alternative energy (3 blade turbines and solar panels) receive huge subsidies and do not work. After decades of investment they only account for 2% of our power.
- Our water sources and distribution systems are polluted
- Our food has little food value and comes from distant and many times foreign sources
- Our malls and warehouses stand empty wasting away with no future use.
NOW the solutions by number of the above:
- The Electric Grid was designed to withstand EMPs … reinforce the GRID as originally designed with Shunts/diodes/Breakers and LOCALIZE power with JMCC WING Generators
- Decommission all Nuclear Power Plants – less than 20% of our energy comes from nuclear – start a “turn off the lights” conservation program to save that 20% – use JMCC WING Generators
- Replace Coal Plants with JMCC WING Generators – use same GRID connection infrastructure
- Stop wind/solar subsidies these will die – start Manhattan Project style program to roll out national program of large JMCC WING Generators – 10 year goal power USA 80% with wind
- High Quality Water Filtration at Point of Use – at less than $100 per house!! National Rain/Water Management Program – large scale production of High Quality POU Water Filters
- High Concentration Food “Vertical Grow Towers” – uses 95% less water – 1/3 grow time in 1/10th space – all season – Produce and distribute food LOCALLY !!! All shopping malls in all locations are immediately useful in this regard.
- Convert vacant land, warehouses & shopping into high concentration Localized Food Production facilities and retail outlets for locally produced food – Retrain relocate people use EOZ incentives
Wishing to see you be the greatest President ever. I am here at your service.
Very respectfully,
James McCanney