Robert Steele: Movie B Roll Photos

Collective Intelligence, Ethics, Government, Offbeat Fun

In reverse order, as requested for the movie about to be released.  There are no releasable photos from my time as a spy.

1994 Against all opposition from the CIA, resigned from the USMC and kept going with the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) revolution. Former DCI Bill Colby understood — he was murdered two years later.

1992 The Revolution Begins with Diane Webb, Howard Rheingold, and John Perry Barlow — CIA livid that Adm Bill Studeman agreed to participate and refused to demand that the first conference be SECRET US Citizens Only.
1988 Invited by USMC to be second-ranking civilian in Marine Corps Intelligence, senior civilian responsible for creating new national intelligence analysis activity — with SES John Guenther and Col Walter Breede III, USNA '68. Photo 1990.
1979 Departing Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD) San Diego after acceptance into CIA's August 1979 Career Trainee (CT) program for clandestine operations officers. 1964 MGB rebuilt by GySgt Roy Kelly, also Steele's drill sergeant in Officer Candidate School (OCS).
1978 In the bush as platoon commander for field exercises, before being selected to be S-1/Adjutant for Battalion Landing Team 3/4 doing six countries on six ships in six months — replacing CWO-4 Ken Morgan at the last minute.
1977 Brand new 2ndLt 1st Platoon LIMA Company 3rd Battalion. 4th Marines.  1stLt Bob Neller would go on to be Commandant of the Marine Corps.
1976 Declined job offer from Lloyd's Bank International and decided to join USMC – good-bye to the black-tie world, hello to a life in the mud . . .
1975 Graduate Fellow at Lehigh University, thesis on predicting revolution.
1973 Muhlenberg College, thesis on multinational corporations and home host country issues — as close to being a hippie not doing drugs as I ever got.
1969 Week-Long dive into Timberling Jungle Malaysia, after three days hiking built bamboo raft with guide, shot rapids back to civilization
1969 Tribal Leader and Guide “Muda” and his son, our raft for three days shooting the rapids from headwaters deep within Timberling Jungle Malaysia
1969 After seventeen-hour train ride from Singapore, ready to start a week-long adventure in Timberling Jungle, Malaysia
1964 Brent School Baguio, Philippines, boarding school, returning to Viet-Nam for Christmas and summer vacations
1956 Still Believing in Santa Clause and the Tooth Fairy


Steele on CIA, FBI, NSA – The Movie

Review: The Music of Time by Preston B. Nichols with Peter Moon

Steele on Books & America: Love it or Lose it! VIDEO ++

Robert David Steele Personal Web Page with All Publications

Financial Liberty at Risk-728x90
