Executive Order 13166 | U.S. English (usenglish.org)
Whom did that executive order really profit?
The Clinton Foundation
The Gates Foundation
Probably the many Soros foundations
Pharma-supported hospitals and clinics
Pharma-supported medicare
Pharma-supported medicaid
Pharma-supported NGOs (IRC, Catholic Charities, Raices, etc.)
Pharma-pushed-and-supported “Medicare Complement Insurance” such as Humana, Cigna, and health insurance in general
Pharma-supported Walmat, Walgreen, CVS and such
Politicians heavily invested in Pharma
The list is much longer.
I know it and I can prove it.
Money is not in healthy or dead people. Money is in permanently sick people.
I just happen to be an interpreter for many agencies which spruced up overnight afterwards and for whom 70% of the work is in the medical field.
I cry often. My people (wherever they are from) believe in Pharma while their food and water source have been polluted to the point where there will no longer be healthy humans on Earth.