Tip of the Hat to Ed Dursky at Facebook
Phi Beta Iota: The ability of morons to mass over chickenshit is very troubling — it is even worse when ostensibly reputable companies make decisions without due process (e.g. PayPal against WikiLeaks, Amazon against all vendors of Confederate-related merchandise). We have deep serious problems in the USA — including treason at the highest levels. Civility is nice to have — integrity is “must have.” We do not endorse any candidate but we must say that in terms of challenging the two-party tyranny and possibly re-booting American democracy, Donald Trump is the most exciting personality we have seen since Ronald Reagan (Bernie Sanders is not even close — no money, no black people, and he refuses to run as an Independent, hence no integrity either).
See Especially:
CounterPunch: Mike Whitney on Trump’s Triumph + Matt Taibbi & More
See Also: