The below letter was sent to the White House point person for cyber-security in 1994. I introduced NSA to hackers (they brought two bus-loads to my 1993 conference), co-founded the Information Warfare Conference with Winn Schwartau, and was the opening speaker at Hackers on Planet Earth (HOPE) in 1994. Apart from ignoring us entirely — note that the senior cyber-security engineer at NSA co-signed our letter (he chose to be anonymous at the time) — the White House allowed the NSA to subvert the mediocre emergent communications and communications security protocols — CEOs of major corporations — including Carly Fiorina — violated their fiduciary duties to stockholders and deliberately gutted their security with infantile backdoors provided by NSA for its own convenience. It can be said that NSA's subversion of US cyber-security spawned the Chinese and Russian hacker communities.
Steele, Robert with James Anderson, William Caelli, and Winn Schwartau, “Correspondence, Sounding the Alarm on Cyber Security,” McLean, VA: Open Source Solutions, Inc., August 23, 1994.
Donald Trump is both an accidental president — and a fringe president (27%). By failing to rapidly educate the public and immediately call for an Electoral Reform Act — a Unity Act — to unrig the system, he has left open the door for treason and a coup by Obama, Clinton, Soros, and Brennan among others. Treason most foul.
“I told you so”….for 25 years…and more recently, for over a year.
See Also: Open Power Electoral Reform