The Mind Unleashed: Human Society Too Complex for Any Hierarchical Government to Work…

Advanced Cyber/IO, Collective Intelligence

Mathematical Report Proves Human Society Is Too Complex to Be Ruled by a Government

Prior to election day, Vice’s Motherboard published a report called Mathematics, which included proof that democracies are irrelevant to our society today. Social policy, or the idea that one process can work for everyone, has been deemed ludicrous as society is much too complex, and government always fails us in our expectations.

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Phi Beta Iota: Worth a read — and a look at the underlying report. Intelligence on the edges is not an idle concept. Applied Collective Intelligence is the new new thing — it integrates the EDUCATION of every person; the embrace of DECISION-SUPPORT as a human right; and the re-direction of all RESEARCH  toward good stewardship of all humans, all living things, and the Earth in general. Bottom line: a World Brain, not a World Government, is where we need to go. Not a new idea, but now a do-able idea.

See Also:

The Future: Recent “Core” Work by Robert Steele

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