Berto Jongman: World’s 26 Richest Individuals Own As Much As World’s Poorest 3.8 Billion

Collective Intelligence, Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman

World’s 26 richest own as much as 3.8 billion poorest: Oxfam

As the global economic elite is to gather at Davos (Switzerland), billionaire fortunes increased in 2018 by 12% a day, while the 3.8 billion poorest people saw their wealth decline by 11% a day, a new report shows.

The world’s richest 1% bagged 45.6% of all wealth created in 2018, which is an increase from 42.3% the previous year, according to the report ‘Public Good or Private Wealth? published on Monday (21 January).

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