Review: The Declaration of Independence – A Betrayal of the American Dream by Sal Martingano

5 Star, America (Founders, Current Situation), Democracy

Sal Martingano

5 Stars — A Superb Citizen Prime Ends with Indictment of Barack Obama

Amazon Description:

In Book One of The Declaration of Dependence, Media and the Government, Dr. Sal Martingano goes over his years of research in government, the deception of the media, how social media has taken control of public opinion, the rise of fake news, and the lasting impacts of the Obama administration. He walks the reader through how the United States became The Divided States of America with solutions on how to stay united and gain back our independence!

ROBERT STEELE: At 119 pages with oversize print this is a fast read — perfect for a two hour trip by air or rail. The author shares my twin concerns, that we have neglected the education of our citizens and that our citizens have been dumbed down and trained to neglect their civic duty, and he shares my own commitment to restoring the Constitution and in that  context, the sharp delimitation of the federal (as well as state and local) government beast.

Published in 2017, this little gem has been sitting in my “to be read” stack for some time. The book is very well structured and easily engaged by any person — this is not one of those deep tomes such as George Will's  The Conservative Sensibility, this is more like a Tom Paine's Common Sense.

Contents include chapters on media deception as a mix of fake news and planned disinformation; on information overload as a means of neutralizing citizens into indifference; on government deception across all fronts including gross lies and violations in relation to every aspect of the Constitution but particularly the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 16th.

The author concludes with a focus on Energy, Education, Medicine, the Automobile Industry, and Economy, and then wraps it all up with an indictment of Barack Obama.

Bottom line: the government does not deserve our trust in its present form.

QUOTE (27): Every president since Ronald Reagan, not including President Trump, has moved this country deeper into the abyss of political chaos and financial disaster.

The author clearly hopes for the best with President Donald Trump.

See Also:

Review: The Conservative Sensibility by George F. Will – Handbook for an American Renaissance

Robert Steele @Amazon: Summary Review with Links: The Conservative Sensibility by George Will (Trump Revolution Book 38)

Review: Liberty and Tyranny–A Conservative Manifesto

Review: Liberal Hearts and Conservative Brains–The Correlation between Age and Political Philosophy

Review: The Conservative Soul–How We Lost It, How to Get It Back

Review: The Two Percent Solution–Fixing America’s Problems in Ways Liberals and Conservatives Can Love

Review: Hate Inc. Why Today’s Media Makes Us Despise One Another by Matt Taibbi

Review: Orange Man Good – Cartoons from President Trump’s First Term BUY TODAY at Amazon, In Time For Gifting on Christmas!

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