Autonomous Internet: 4chan and anonymnity

Autonomous Internet, Civil Society, Cultural Intelligence
Jon Lebkowsky Bio

4chan and anonymity

Marc Savlov interviewed me for this article in the Austin Chronicle, generally about anonymity on the Internet and specifically about 4chan. I hope I made the point that anonymity is a wicked problem (what is identity, anyway?), and that it’s sometimes a solution (as in police states, viva Tor).

Coincidentally I had interviewed the phenomenal Tom Jennings yesterday for Plutopia News Network, and when he saw the Chronicle article, he sent this link to to a paper he’d written about 4chan.

“The effect of the code mechanisms chosen by 4chan encloses a robust and stable culture of a form and shape not possible in more finely controlled environments, and that code is deceptively simple.”

Christopher Poole, aka Moot, creator of 4chan, will deliver a keynote at 2pm Sunday, March 13, at SXSW Interactive.

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