Details about Edward Snowden's life in Maryland emerge
Whether Snowden will give away — among other intelligence secrets he claimed to know — the locations of every CIA base overseas and identities of its undercover officers is unclear.
Phi Beta Iota: This is looking more and more like a CIA dangle, with the publicity damage to CIA's greatest enemies (DNI and NSA) as icing on the cake. We've learned not to under-estimate the idiocy of the bureaucracy. Every CIA Station and every CIA drone base is known to the Chinese. Most if not all of the secret prisons are known to the Chinese. Most if not all of the CIA “case officers” are known to all local services and of couse the Chinese. Most of what NSA does to the Chinese is known to the Chinese, whom we believe to be, along with the Russian, at least ten years if not twenty years ahead of the USA in cyber-espionage over the electrical grid. At another level, what we are sensing is a major war going on in Washington, with religious, cultural, financial, political, and ethical divisions such as have never before existed in this particular number and diversity of view. On balance, this is all for the good and the public may actually derive some benefit.