Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

CYBER: Angela McKay (Microsoft Advsior to Obama) on Cyber-Security in 2020

Phi Beta Iota: The idea of Microsoft advising anyone on cyber-security is beyond tragic comedy and borders on insane. These are the same people who opened up everything to NSA and created “trusted” hardware standards totally lacking in integrity at any level.

CYBER: Bitcoin and Silk Road (Black Market) Linked

CYBER: Bitcoin  Experts Clash Over Crypto-Currency

CYBER: Cryptocat Blocked in Iran

CYBER: DoD Puzzled by Mobile Technologies

CYBER: Education via Facebook in Kenya

CYBER: European Parliament Wi-FI Hacked

CYBER: mSpy App for Spying on Another Smartphone or Tablet User

CYBER: Project SpyLighter (Shining a Light on Cyber Spies)

ENFORCEMENT: IRS Sets Sight on Dark (Political) Money

HEALTH: Senate Bill Recognizes Naturopathic Medicine

Whereas, in the United States, more than 75 percent of health care costs are due to preventable chronic illnesses, including high blood pressure, which affects 88,000,000 people in the United States, and diabetes, which affects 26,000,000 people in the United States;

PEACE: Mexico Peace Index

SURVEILLANCE: Army Hand-Held Mini-Drone

THREAT: Big Lies About Gaddaffi – Viagra Totalitarianism

Phi Beta Iota: The difference between CIA covert operations (propaganda) and Army influence operations is that the CIA lies and the Army does not. What Army does in the way of Information Operations is nothing short of spectacular, and we hope the story is told one day.  In the meantime, the public — and stupid corrupt governments — will continue to be manipulated by artful well-funded lies.

THREAT: Bullying Infographic

THREAT: Clutter — Very Bad for Your Brain

THREAT: Crowd Control via Robots with Tasers

Phi Beta Iota: Easy to defeat and so expensive as to be criminally insane, but DHS has no idea what it is doing so this will probably be funded and the idiot devices distributed across the USA.

THREAT: European Foreign Fighters in Syria – in Unprecedented Numbers

THREAT: Hezbollah in Syria

THREAT: Israel Hollywood Producer and Nuclear Enabler

THREAT: Jihad and Contraband Across Tunisia's Borders

THREAT: Linux Worm Targets Routers, Cameras, Internet of Things Devices

THREAT: Long Island Jihadist and FBI Sting Overview

THREAT: Sick Weather Virus Tracking App

THREAT: Special Administrative Measures – Guilty Until Whenever

THREAT: Terrorism Financing in North Africa

THREAT: Tyranny of Transparency

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