Kudos to Citi and The Economist for this free downloadable white paper, 33 pages in length:
Competitiveness is a holistic concept. While economic size and growth matter, several other
factors determine a city’s competitiveness, including its business and regulatory environment, its institutions, the quality of human capital, cultural aspects and the quality of environmental governance. These factors not only help a city to
sustain high economic growth, but also secure its future competitiveness.
Phi Beta Iota: While the report includes clear-cut attention to Human Capital as well as Social and Cultural Capital, and it pays attention to education and telecommunications, “Digital Capital” is a category that is overdue for inclusion and not to be found in this report. A city's commitment to free Wi-Fi, for example, one of Montreal's strong points, is not covered by this report. On balance, this is still an economy of things report rather than an economy of ideas report.
See Also: