It was my great privilege to be a co-founder with Winn Schwartau of the first Information Warfare Conference in the early 1990's. Winn, through his books and Congressional testimony did more than anyone else to warn us of both NSA's likekly malfeasance (see his 1980's book Terminal Compromise) and of the vulnerability of the Internet to melt-down if we did not address security at the code level.

It was also my privilege to serve on rotation to the CIA's Office of Information Technology where I led the effort to introduce advanced information technologies including artificial intelligence, from 1986-1988. When Bill Casey died this initiative died with him. We still do not have today the tri-fecta I called for back then: geospatial attributes for all data in all mediums and languages; open standards and embedded security to allow for the inter-operability of all information and communications technologies and related data; and finally — defined much more ably by Diane Webb and Dennis McCormick, eighteen integrated desktop analytic functionalities (look for CATALYST – Computer-Aided Tools for the Analysis of Science & Technology).

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