Graphic: New JCS Medal — We Who Sit, Serve

07 Other Atrocities, Capabilities-Force Structure, Cultural Intelligence
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Printable Slide: JCS Sitting Medal

Phi Beta Iota:  In our collective view, every member of the JSC now sitting is richly deserving of indictment and forced retirement with at least a one grade reduction if not more.  Similarly, every senior executive officer (SES) in the Office of the Secretary of Defense should be “let go.” Treason may be too strong a word for what they are doing in the face of sequester, but one can certainly conclude that they all lack — to a man — a sufficiency of intelligence with integrity necessary to do what they are supposed to do.  Among the civilian SES, silence and complacency join idiocy and ineptitude as grounds for termination.

See Also:

DefDog: Air Force Creates Valor Medal for Video Kills

Graphic: Occupy Circles

Citizen-Centered, Graphics

occupy circles

Occupy Circles are a phenomenon appearing in communities around the country. In the absence of tent cities people are meeting and organising in new ways. In this podcast we interview Ian Chamberlin about his experience of participating and organising Occupy Circles.


Graphic: Evaluating Intelligence (Decision-Support) – Four Aspects 1.1

Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Reform, Resilience, Strategy-Holistic Coherence, Threats, Tribes, True Cost
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Click on Image to Enlarge

Slide: Evaluating Intelligence 1.1

Caption:  Robert David Steele, “Graphic: Evaluating Intelligence (Decision-Support) – Four Aspects 1.1,”  Phi Beta Iota the Public Intelligence Blog, 30 January 2013 Updated to add Real-Time 1 February 2013.

Inspired by:  Dover, Robert and Milja Kurki (2013), “Unwritten Assumptions: The Role of Theories in the Study of Intelligence,” UNPUBLISHED DRAFT

See Also:

Graphic: IADB 21st Century Intelligence

Graphic: IADB Old vs. New Intelligence Process

Graphic: US Intelligence Six Fundamental Failures Over 25 Years – $1.25 Trillion