#UNRIG (VIDEO, 38:07) Russian Counter Spy Reveals All to Former US Spy — Deep State, Bilderberg, Tavistock, Good News
Interviews BY RobertSee Also:
#UNRIG Video (43:57) Professor Robert Dover and Former Spy Robert Steele on Intelligence (Spying) and Ethics
Interviews BY RobertDescription and Links Below the Fold (and Also at YouTube)
#UNRIG VIDEO (28:45) James Fallows on National Defense, Broken Media, and Our Towns — America the Beautiful is Still Strong, Just Confused
Interviews BY Robert#UNRIG VIDEO (32:33): Dr. Randy Short on Blacks Determining 2020, Advisory to President Trump: “Destroy Your Enemies”
Interviews BY RobertIntroduction and Biography Below the Fold
#UNRIG Interview of James Turner, Ralph Nader’s Early Alter Ego, on FDA Policy, Organics, 5G, Monsanto, and Transpartisan Politics
Interviews BY RobertVIDEO (27:14) Professor Anthony Hall, Truther, Editor-in-Chief American Herald Tribune
Cultural Intelligence, Interviews BY Robert, Peace IntelligenceConsider adding American Herald Tribune to your regular reads (free online).