The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

Steele Report
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1. I admire your optimism and faith in a Trump who is wiser than he acts, but he attacked China 13 times during his UN speech last month. Surely we can't keep poking at the bear and expect that there will not be a
day when SHTF?

2. Realistically, how much of a “shake-up” do you think we can expect in this final month before election day in terms of spygate revelations, indictments of deep state players?

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Robert Steele: Former CIA Spy Connects JFK Assassination to 9/11, False Flag Events to Satanic Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia to the Criminal Zionist State of Israel

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Former CIA Spy Connects JFK Assassination to 9/11, False Flag Events to Satanic Ritual Abuse & Pedophilia to the Criminal Zionist State of Israel

Robert David Steele, Tehran Times, 9 October 2020

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