#UNRIG The Steele Report Spy Improv Questions

Steele Report

Subscribe to The Steele Report to access the weekly video (Saturday) and text report (Monday).

Here are the questions that will be answered today.

1. In regards to the recent worldwide explosions and fires. Do you think DEW could be the weapon of choice on these? Is this a Deep State attempt to clear evidence and/or lay this all on Iran to try and draw us into a war?

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The Steele Report Has Been Posted

Steele Report

Robert scores Red for Campaign and Zionism, Orange for Message, Yellow for Economy, and a Green for White House.  Topics covered include a special on what books to recommend to wake people up;  COVID-19 review and sure fire healing being blocked; Labor Day deadline for massive indictments from Durham – August surprises;  Election 2020 — UK and Israel are the meddlers, not China, Iran, Russia; Election 2020 –Faith, Family, Freedom versus Sodom & Gomorrah; Election 2020 – President takes ownership of USPS with eye on mail-in ballots?; Censorship by Facebook, Microsoft, YouTube – a Real Threat or a Call to Arms?;  A Bright Future for America: anti-fragile localization, home schooling, plus plus; Beirut Tactical Nuclear Attack by France and Israel;Mike Flynn’s Latest Message.