18-20 JUL NYC Pre-Register Now for Hackers on Planet Earth and Hotel — 70 Speakers Confirmed, Vendor Tables Now Available

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While over 70 confirmed talks are now posted for HOPE-X, we've got a
bunch more to come. Please keep checking http://x.hope.net/schedule.html
for the latest.

We have some vendor tables available for all three days of the conference
in our heavily trafficked second floor mezzanine. If you're interested in
getting a table, email vendors@hope.net. We should point out that we are very
selective in who gets a table and would rather have empty tables than
vendors who aren't a good fit for HOPE. That said, if you think you have
something of interest to thousands of hackers, send us an email ASAP.

These conferences cost a tremendous amount of money to run, which is why
we need as many people as possible to preregister by visiting
http://store.2600.com/hopextickets.html and spreading the word. And if
you're part of a company or organization that wants to go a step or two
further, we have levels of sponsorship you can be a part of. Again, we
are selective in this and will never allow HOPE to be overshadowed with
corporate logos or pacts with the devil. Those who have participated in
the past really get this and we're proud to have them on board again.
If you're interested in becoming a HOPE sponsor, email sponsors@hope.net.

Stay tuned for more announcements as HOPE gets closer!

Hackers on Planet Earth – First 25 Speakers

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Click on Image to Enlarge

HOPE X will be held July 18-20, 2014 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York
City. You can get your tickets at http://store.2600.com/hopextickets.html. While our block of rooms at the hotel quickly sold out, it's still possible
to book online at http://hotelpenn.com or by calling +1 212 736 5000. You
may still be able to get a discount if you mention the HOPE conference. Please follow us on Twitter (@hopex) and help us to spread the word in any way you can. We need to sell more advance tickets in order to make
HOPE X as amazing as we possibly can.

Home Page with Schedule, Speaker Bios, and Other Information

Keynote Address – Daniel Ellsberg

We’re thrilled that the whistleblower of all whistleblowers – Daniel Ellsberg – will be one of our keynote speakers this year. Ellsberg was the cause of one of the biggest political controversies ever seen in the United States when he released the Pentagon Papers in 1971 and changed history. We are honored that Daniel Ellsberg recognizes the value and importance of the HOPE X conference and it’s great to know that he’ll be able to speak in person to a whole new generation of individuals who will also shape the direction of the world one day. We can only hope they’ll also be ready to stand up for their convictions, no matter the cost.
Speakers: Daniel Ellsberg

Continue reading “Hackers on Planet Earth – First 25 Speakers”

EVENT: 21 May 2014 NYC The Future of Information LIBTECH.cc

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Click on Image to Enlarge

While we take the Internet for granted as an essential part of everyday life, decisions are being made behind the scenes that affect its future and the lives of everyone who relies on it. Net users are like players in a game where the rules are unknown and can change at any time. Decisions are made by technologists, government regulators and legislators, nonprofits and civil society groups — with a great deal of influence by special interests — far from public view or understanding.
― David Solomonoff, NY Internet Society

Internet Week side event to envision, learn, share and build robust, decentralized networks through participatory systems.
• Save the Internet: net neutrality protestors camp out against FCC ruling
• Create the People's Intelligence Agency with Robert David Steele, author of Open Source Everything Mainfesto
• Learn from veteran attorney Stanley Cohen on criminalization of dissent
• Explore how a new Internet Bill of Rights might function
• Reclaim: where communities of practice connect around projects
• Build and Transform Social Capital, DIY Liberation Technology + YOU

Continue reading “EVENT: 21 May 2014 NYC The Future of Information LIBTECH.cc”

EVENT: 10 JUN – 17 JUL Webinar Mind Amplifiers with Howard Rheingold

Howard Rheingold
Howard Rheingold

Esteemed co-learners —

Introduction to Mind Amplifiers covers the broad theory and practice of intellectual augmentation and the practical skills of infotention, curation, and personal learning networks. The syllabus and schedule: http://socialmediaclassroom.com/host/mindamp6

We use weekly live meetings via audio, video, text-chat, and whiteboard and continuing asynchronous conversations through forums, blogs, wikis, mindmaps, and social bookmarks. RU courses are highly participative — the meta-skill all learners should take away is knowledge of and experience at forming a co-learning community online with a group of former strangers.

Participation is limited to 30 co-learners. Let me know if you are seriously interested enough for me to reserve a spot.

Please circulate to anyone who might be interested.


Howard Rheingold

follow on Twitter: @hrheingold

My complete works: rheingold.com

what it is —> is —>up to us

EVENT: 30 May – 1 Jun 14 NY Law School, WikiConference USA


WikiConference USA is the first national Wikimedia conference of its kind in the United States. The conference will be held on May 30 – June 1, 2014 at New York Law School, located in the Tribeca district of Manhattan, New York City. WikiConference USA’s program will be devoted to topics concerning the Wikimedia movement in the United States, as well as related topics of free culture and digital rights.

WikiConference USA will feature a diverse array of conference offerings such as keynotes, presentations, panels, and workshop sessions; provide a lounge space and break areas for conference attendees to gather and mingle; and host an unconference day for attendees to design their own schedule and engage with each other around common interests.

For the full announcement, see our press release: File:WikiCon USA 2014 Press Release v1.pdf.

Dates & Times
Friday, May 30, 2014, 8:30AM – 6:00PM
Saturday, May 31, 2014, 8:30AM – 6:00PM
Sunday, June 1, 2014, 8:30AM – 6:00PM
Location: New York Law School 185 West Broadway (between Worth Street and Leonard Street), New York, NY 10013
Expected Attendance: 300 attendees over the three-day conference
Target Demographics: Our primary demographic targets United States-based Wikipedians. The secondary demographic targets non-Wikipedian academics, students, librarians, activists, and professionals.
Costs: The conference will be free to attend.

Conference Home Page

Event: 21 May 2014 1500-2100 NYC Liberation Technology Internet Society Reclaim.CC

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Click on Image to Enlarge

“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.” ― UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Open Data, Global Game, Electronic Magna Carta, .nyc, Privacy, Open Hardware, Inclusive Access, Open Software, Open Culture, Open Innovation, Mesh Networks, Net Neutrality, NSA, TLD, Comcast, Internet of Things, CIA, Freedom, Evolution, more.

Panels, discussions, shooting the breeze about controversy around top level domains and .nyc, SSL everything, hands on tools, and funky after party, more speakers to be announced!

Keynote Speaker: Robert David Steele, Cyber-Reformer, Author of THE OPEN SOURCE EVERYTHING MANIFESTO

Open Source Manifesto   .   2014 Steele's Open Letter   .   2014 Beyond OSA

Public Intelligence 4.0  .  Way of the Truth  .  Who Is Robert D. Steele?

This all happens Wed, May 21st at NYU, 251 Mercer Street, NY, NY from 3:00 – 9:00pm

Admission – recommended donation $12 (no one turned away) – get tickets here

Conference Home Page

NEW: Draft Agenda