Graphic: OSINT Baseball

Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Citizen-Centered, Innovation, Reform, Strategy-Holistic Coherence


OSINT Baseball
OSINT Baseball

Inspired by Steve Denning, former Chief Knowledge  Officer (CKO) of the World Bank, this graphic tells the story of OSINT in contrast to the traditional disciplines.

The text:

Still today, here's how  the secret world plays the game:

HUMINT recruits a player to drop or catch the ball on command, but communications are so slow they inevitably screw it up.

SIGINT has listening devices in the dug-out, and tries to call the game from what is said there.

IMINT used to take an image of the field every three days, now they have a drone overhead and if they don't like the look of things, put a drone into the crowd (missing the umpire, who was the target).

MASINT tries to sniff the ball leaving the glove, and when that fails asks for billions more.

OSINT uses Twitter to both follow the score and compile impressions of each player–it's called crowd-soourcing.

See Also:

Graphic: Twitter as an Intelligence Tool

Graphic: The New Craft of Intelligence

Graphic: Citizen-Centered Intelligence II (Warning)

OSINT Citizen-Centered Warning
OSINT Citizen-Centered Warning

Also created for THE NEW CRAFT OF INTELLIGENCE.  With geospatial tagging where it is today (as the General Defense Intelligence Council was told it needed to be in 1988), there is no reason why all policy, budget, and consequence assessment information cannot be sliced and diced down to the zip code and neighborhood level.  The reality is that information asymmetries and handicaps perpetuate the excessive consumption of the few at the expense of the many.  Absent a revolution in human affairs–which we do believe is imminent–weapons of mass deception will be the norm in America and everywhere else.

Graphic: Citizen-Centered Intelligence I

OSINT for Citizens I
OSINT for Citizens I

This was created for THE NEW CRAFT OF INTELLIGENCE and has yet to be realized, in part because Google is busy claiming ownership of everything it can touch while offering nothing in the way of sense-making.  Similarly, Amazon is focusing on Kindle (and will reach in and delete all your electronic books if your subscription ever lapses) while completely ignoring the World Brain and “mico-sale” opportunities that were pointed out to them in a standing-room only conference for their developers.  What we have learned from this is that top-down companies will never invest in bottom-up needs–IBM, Oracle, CISCO, all of the big companies are blind to the leverage attendant to empowering the single individual human brain.  Only Nokia appears to be properly focused, and even there, they lack the call center and cloud aspect partnerships that Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, and Russia could provide.