This is a basic regional centre that would initially work exclusively with open sources of information, but could, as trust and mutual intersts coincide, extend to do focused clandestine and covert actions, for example, against transnational criminal gangs, corrupt government officials and predatory corporate officials that loot commonwealths by bribing single officials at key points.
Graphic: Sunshine Cabinet
Innovation, Leadership-Integrity, Reform, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceThis is a notional representation of what a proper non-partisan, transpartisan, post-partisan Cabinet might look like, created in partnership with Jock Gill and Michael Cudahy. America is too complicated to be run by one person elected by 30% of the eligible voters, and their partisan buddies.
Graphic: Library Behind this Public Intelligence Blog
Strategy-Holistic CoherenceIt is not possible for any one person to achieve wisdom, that is a collective function. By the same token, it is not possible for any one person to contribute to the whole if they isolate their consciousness in a narrow discipline. This is where policy leadership had failed–we are “led” by individuals whose reading and thinking is, at best, cursory, who fail to do the outreach to the diversity of views that would enrich any deliberation, and who fail to be honest about the foundations for their decisions, in almost all cases corrupt, selfish, and in favor of special interests.
Graphic: Strategy Centre
Analysis, Balance, Capabilities-Force Structure, Innovation, Multinational Plus, Policies-Harmonization, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceThis was created as a notional standard for any state or province recognizing that the federal government has failed and that each state or province is on its own should it wish to survive what some have called “The Long Emergency.” Panarchy and resilience and sustainability arfe achievable at any level, and it may well be that we must start at the bottom rather than the top, which makes perfect sense.
Graphic: Web of Fragmented Knowledge
Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Balance, Innovation, Leadership-Integrity, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceORIGINAL (Expandable to Read Discipline & Sub-Discipline Titles)
Graphic: Five Migration Paths from Peter Senge et all
Analysis, Earth Orientation, Innovation, Policies-Harmonization, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceWith a tip of the hat to Peter Senge and his co-authors, here are five migration paths essential to moving from the unsustainable past to a sustainable future.
Graphic: Information Operations (IO) Cube
Advanced Cyber/IO, Analysis, Balance, ICT-IT, Innovation, Processing, Strategy-Holistic CoherenceThis is a way of looking at Information Operations (IO) in an integrated fashion. It is not possible to be effective at IO (of which all-source intelligence less than 10% of the total) or at governance at any level (global to local) without a holistic appreciation of all forms of knowledge.