Berto Jongman: Gobekli Tepe archeological site forces us to rewrite history

Cultural Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Mr. Adnan Oktar’s interview with British author Graham Hancock on A9 TV (18 September, 2013)

There was no Stone Age per se. Discoveries in Turkey document the beginning of agriculture and a massive stonework society far advanced from all prior conceptions — an ancient center of innovation.  Also discusses Arc of the Covenant. Ends on a very positive note presuming that the discovery of the artifacts will lead to a reconciliation of all faiths and  peace with prosperity BUT then a degeneration again, and judgement day. 2120 is the target year in the scriptures, could happen sooner.

VIDEO 15 Minutes, English

SchwartzReport: Update on Fukushima and West Coast

Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

This is, I think, the best assessment of our current understanding of the impact of the Fukushima crisis on the American West Coast.

Scientists: Test West Coast for Fukushima Radiation

SALEM, OREGON — Very low levels of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear disaster likely will reach ocean waters along the U.S. West Coast next month, scientists are reporting.

Current models predict that the radiation will be at extremely low levels that won't harm humans or the environment, said Ken Buesseler, a chemical oceanographer at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution who presented research on the issue last week.

But Buesseler and other scientists are calling for more monitoring. No federal agency currently samples Pacific Coast seawater for radiation, he said.

Berto Jongman: Climate Change Killing Deep Sea

Earth Intelligence
Berto Jongman
Berto Jongman

Scientists: Climate change is killing life at the bottom of the sea

Number of fish and species diversity was shockingly sparse 7 kilometers down, team concludes.

Climate change isn't a matter of controversy– the planet's climate changes all the time and is arguably doing so now. The question is what's causing it, which is arguable. Less controversial is what climate change is causing, and now scientists suspect the effect at the bottom of the sea is much worse than had been thought.

Scientists from the University of Aberdeen and New Zealand sent cameras to a depth of 7,000 meters – 4.5 miles – to record rarely-seen creatures on the floor of the New Hebrides Trench in the South Pacific.

The researchers had expected to see more variety in the previously unexplored trench, they say. They believe climate change could be having an impact even in the deepest reaches of the ocean.

Read full article and watch video.

Continue reading “Berto Jongman: Climate Change Killing Deep Sea”

JZ: Space Radar Predicts Giant Sinkholes 30 Days Out

Earth Intelligence
Jason "JZ" Liszkiewicz
Jason “JZ” Liszkiewicz

Space radar could predict massive sinkholes a month before they collapse

The idea of the ground opening without warning and swallowing you up is nightmare fuel. As populations grow and humans invent new ways to plunder underground resources, sinkholes are only becoming more common—just look at the US sinkhole capital, Florida.

But America’s space agency, NASA, said today it may have developed a way to predict sinkholes up to a month before the ground collapses, saving lives and money. The early warning is provided by interferometric synthetic aperture radar (iSAR), which could be mounted on planes or satellites to scan sinkhole prone areas.

iSAR scans the ground multiple times in multiple wavelengths to put together interferograms, which can show tiny movements of the earth, including the ripples of earthquakes, the effects of flooding on riverbanks, or where the ground is sinking. This interferogram shows the ground sinking near oil wells in California:

See graphic and read full article.

Continue reading “JZ: Space Radar Predicts Giant Sinkholes 30 Days Out”

SchwartzReport:L USGS Confirms Fracking Caused Earthquake

03 Environmental Degradation, 07 Other Atrocities, Commercial Intelligence, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

Even a government agency like the United States Geological Survey (USGS) is now acknowledging that Fracking is the cause of earthquakes. But such is the stranglehold of carbon energy on the Congress and the White House that I don't expect anything will be done about it. If you happen to be in a Fracking zone… tough.

U.S. Geological Survey Confirms: Human Activity Caused 5.7 Quake in Oklahoma

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) issued a press release yesterday indicating that the magnitude 5.7 earthquake that struck Prague, Oklahoma in 2011 was unintentionally human-induced.

The USGS claims that the magnitude 5.0 earthquake triggered by waste-water injection the previous day ‘trigger[ed] a cascade of earthquakes, including a larger one, [which] has important implications for reducing the seismic risk from waste-water injection.”

SchwartzReport: Climate Change and Cascading System Failures

03 Environmental Degradation, Earth Intelligence
Stephan A. Schwartz
Stephan A. Schwartz

This report is, I think, a pretty good assessment of how climate change is going to play out in the beginning. As a country we are utterly unprepared for this. Instead we squander our money on one insane war after another. And, if the Republicans become the majority in the Senate, as many analysts predict, even the modest little efforts put forward by Obama will come to an end. I think one should assume that we are going to face climate change unprepared except for what communities and individual families do.

New Government Report Warns of ‘Cascading System Failures' Caused By Climate Change
KATE SHEPPARD – The Huffington Post

WASHINGTON — From roads and bridges to power plants and gas pipelines, American infrastructure is vulnerable to the effects of climate change, according to a pair of government reports released Thursday.

The reports are technical documents supporting the National Climate Assessment, a major review compiled by 13 government agencies that the U.S. Global Change Research Program is expected to release in April. Scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory put together the reports, which warn that climate-fueled storms, flooding and droughts could cause “cascading system failures” unless there are changes made to minimize those effects. Island Press has published the full-length version of the reports, which focus on energy and infrastructure more broadly.