Matthew Ehret: The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire Part Two (A New Vision Takes Shape)

Cultural Intelligence

The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire Part Two (A New Vision Takes Shape)

This article was co-written with historian Raynald Rouleau as section two of a four part series. Part one can be read here.

During the summer of 1967, Canada was celebrating its centennial with the 100th anniversary of the British North America Act. It must be noted that the Canadian Confederation of 1867 was formed for no other reason but the protection of the empire against the republican forces of Abraham Lincoln in the United States and their allies in Canada as outlined in the CP lecture “The Missed Chance of 1867”.

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The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire [Part one]

Cultural Intelligence

The De Gaulle-Johnson Intervention to Break the Empire [Part one]

In this first installment of a four part series co-written with my friend and historian Raynald Rouleau, we will meet a network of alliances that formed in France and Quebec under the leadership of Quebec’s Premier Daniel Johnson Sr. and French President Charles DeGaulle from 1967-1968 who intended to create an international program for development in opposition to the Anglo-American Empire that has been written out of modern history. Just as this plan was blossoming, assassins bullets ended the lives of Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King. The life of Daniel Johnson Sr was cut short under extremely suspicious circumstances during this same period leaving Charles De Gaulle to stand alone in the face of a new global paradigm shift which soon saw his leadership overthrown in 1969 under a London-directed neo-Jacobin movement of anarchism in France.

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Tom Atlee: Creative Participation of the Whole – a North Star concept

Cultural Intelligence
Tom Atlee

Creative Participation of the Whole – a North Star concept

For people in the Northern Hemisphere, the North Star, Polaris, is the only star that always sits in the same place in the sky. Before modern technologies like GPS, it was vital to navigation. So it has become a metaphor for a significant and dependable point of reference.

A North Star concept is a guiding light, an ideal reference point that influences how we go about doing our work or living our lives. We use it to orient ourselves.

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Caitlin Johnstone: The Left Isn’t Failing, It’s Being Sabotaged: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Cultural Intelligence

The Left Isn’t Failing, It’s Being Sabotaged: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
In later years we’re going to learn about some of the covert operations which US intelligence agencies and their proxies were using to smash the rise of socialism in America today and a lot of people are going to feel silly for all their remarks blaming the state of the left on leftists. I see so much talk about the left’s fragmentation and political ineffectiveness like it’s the result of some kind of character flaw in leftists themselves, when it is clearly the result of generations of high-intensity mass-scale psyops which with 100 percent certainty continue to this day.

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Caitlin Johnstone: Humanity Is Sloppily, Awkwardly Lumbering Toward Consciousness

Cultural Intelligence

Humanity Is Sloppily, Awkwardly Lumbering Toward Consciousness
Humanity is becoming more conscious.

It is. This is not a popular thing to say in the more cynical and pessimistic corners of the internet, but it’s true.

I’m not referring to anything “out there” or “spiritual” when I make this assertion. I’m talking about a mundane reality that is easily verifiable by casual observation, if you just look past all the headlines and narrative chatter to see the big picture as a whole.

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Anthony Judge: Symbolic Insignia Indicative of Global Health

07 Health, Cultural Intelligence

Symbolic Insignia Indicative of Global Health
Immunity passports, travel worthiness and certificates of wholth

Insignia as official mark of integrity
QR code as a heraldic shield?
Highlighting interference patterns undermining health: “polypharmacy”?
Health as integrity — as wholth
Symbolism of PCR testing: a global recapitulation of the Book of the Dead tradition?
Insights from traditional health pentagrams: 5-dimensional scales?
Potential imbalance in symbols of national integrity
Design of a meaningful insignia of salvatory significance
Traditional hindrances to health, wholth and integrity
Global institutionalization of one-dimensional health vs Integral connectivity
Insignia evocative of imaginative travel: the stargate metaphor