Robert Steele: On the Zionist Parasite — America First Demands An End to Israel First (Treason) UPDATE on Zionist Funding & Control of Black Lives Matters, Pieczenik Video (7:13)

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence


A very erudite and principled individual, albeit poorly informed on the matter of the Zionist parasite in the USA, led me to believe that President Donald Trump will never accept help from Cynthia McKinney (or me) because of our deep-seated views on the matter of Zionism as a parasite that has hollowed out the American economy, captured both the federal and state governments (and now with George Soros is focusing on county governments), and diminished our society by destroying belief in faith, family, and freedom.  Below is my response to this most valued colleague.

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#UNRIG Video (1:20) Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested! Jeffrey Epstein Still Alive?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

NEW: Alert Reader suggests she is still unextradictable in Europe but has agreed to feed legitimate testimony to a body double that will be used for the show trial. Beginning of the end of the Zionists and Mossad and AIPAC and ADL in the USA. Throw in 9/11 disclosure and we take down the rest.


Pablo Escobar: Barbarism Begins at Home

Commercial Intelligence, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Pepe Escobar

Barbarism Begins at Home

Barbarism begins at home. Alastair Crooke has shown how in an extremely polarized US “both parties” are essentially accusing each other of barbarism: “these people lie, and would stoop to any illegitimate, seditionist (i.e. unconstitutional) means, to obtain their illicit ends.”

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Mongoose: Are the New Rioters Paid, Mind-Controlled, Stupid, or All Three?

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

An Alert Reader points out:

We now have brain damaged weaponized controlled rioters. They are being controlled through mind control that began with massive childhood vaccination damage when they were young and is culminating in mind control signalling. They are like rioting drones. They are not rioting for a cause as their trained news media states. Their causes will change like the wind and this is the new state of our country until it comes toppling down like the statues that they are destroying. The liberal mind set is a disease. This is like having a mental virus growing that cannot be stopped except by mass arrests and targeting the people paying and controlling this in an all out international effort at the Federal level.

Ray McGovern: Russian “Bounties” the New Deep State Lie — Last Frantic Gasp from RussiaGate

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence
Ray McGovern

RAY McGOVERN: Russiagate’s Last Gasp

One can read this most recent flurry of Russia, Russia, Russia paid the Taliban to kill GIs as an attempt to pre-empt the findings into Russiagate’s origins.

Late last night the president tweeted: “Intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible, and therefore did not report it to me or the VP. …”

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