State of the Nation: Staged Race War . . .

Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

STAGED RACE WAR! Globalists Inflaming Racial Tensions After Heinous COVID-19 Crimes Exposed

KEY POINTS: The American people have just experienced the worst 4 months in memory.  The exceedingly oppressive OPERATION COVID-19 has created a national climate marked by anger and frustration, rage and exasperation, rancor and indignation.  Clearly, the NWO globalists meticulously timed these racially charged events as the hot summer of 2020 is about to begin.  While people are forced to wear uncomfortable useless masks as well as impossibly social distance, after being fired or furloughed, sheltering in place and not going to the beach, they are VERY ANGRY indeed!  So, the globalist perpetrators of OPERATION COVID-19, in order to deflect the extraordinary rage which ought to be directed at them, have manufactured a race war so the fury can be used to further divide the citizenry during this extremely tumultuous election year.

Read full article with video and many excellent photographs.


James Fetzer: Alex Scott, Have “The Powers that Be” Just Staged a  False Flag to Foment a Race War across America?

Tom Luongo: One Screen, Two Movies, Three Times the Trouble

11 Society, Cultural Intelligence, Peace Intelligence

One Screen, Two Movies, Three Times the Trouble

If Trump does nothing he loses Conservatives who believe in law and order, fairness and all of that. If he over-commits he’s got Kent State times ten on his hands.

While my movie says this is definitely an operation designed to inflict maximal political damage on Trump the sub-text of my movie screams about what is truly wrong with America.

That this is a power struggle for the next century by evil people manipulating desperate and cynical ones into acts of violence and hatred which is falsely directed by a script pre-written to keep us angry, fearful and divided.

And until we all back away from the screens and see that script for what it is, this will escalate until a lot more than just Minneapolis is burning.