John Whitehead: After a Year Under Lockdown, Will Our Freedoms Survive the Tyranny of COVID-19?

07 Other Atrocities, Corruption, Economics/True Cost, Education, Governance, Government
John Whitehead

  “The remedy is worse than the disease.”—Francis Bacon

One way or another, the majority of Americans will survive COVID-19.

It remains to be seen, however, whether our freedoms will survive the tyranny of the government’s heavy-handed response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Indeed, now that the government has gotten a taste for flexing its police state powers by way of a bevy of lockdowns, mandates, restrictions, contact tracing programs, heightened surveillance, censorship, overcriminalization, etc., we may all be long-haulers, suffering under the weight of long-term COVID-19 afflictions.

Instead of dealing with the headaches, fatigue and neurological aftereffects of the virus, however, “we the people” may well find ourselves burdened with a Nanny State inclined to use its draconian pandemic powers to protect us from ourselves.

Therein lies the danger of the government’s growing addiction to power.

See full article HERE

Mongoose: Same play script as Viet-Nam, dump immigrants across America


Alert Reader comments:

Allen Dulles (Rothschild) CIA kidnapped 1.1 million North Vietnamese at gun point, loaded them in helicopters and dumped them without supplies across the Mekong Delta in far south in the 1950's to destabilize a peaceful sustainable agrarian culture into a disaster that would need to be “saved”. This is exactly what same deep state is now doing in USA.  Meanwhile the communist play script of destroying businesses and landlords with eviction moratorium which will NEVER end, will destroy the middle class.  No more fair elections, no more independent judiciary, no more middle class, and soon, no more food.   But that is okay, because the covid vaccine will strip natural immunity system and most will die and we won't need much food.  That is reality, don't hide your heads in the sand.  There will be nothing normal from now on.

Biden’s Illegal Migrants and Fake Refugees Are Being Flown Out Across America – 40% of McAllen, TX Air Traffic Now Migrants

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Greatest Time Point in History Coming April 2021 – Bo Polny


Author:  Greg Hunter

Biblical cycle expert and financial analyst Bo Polny says we are approaching the “Greatest Time Point in Human History” near the end of April.  In the last year, Polny has calculated time points and big events such as his prediction of a “new era of time” that would unfold after his February 2020 interview.  It certainly did with the age of Covid lock-downs that started in March of 2020.  Polny also predicted a 35% to 40% decline in the stock market in mid-2020.  (The market sold off 38%.)  Polny also predicted “something epic” would happen on September 18, 2020, and that was the day Supreme Court Judge Ruth Bader Ginsberg died.  So, what is Polny’s cycle analysis telling him now?  Polny says, “What started in 2020 will end in 2021, and we have related that actual cycle to Noah’s Ark.  When oil went to zero (April 21, 2020), that would equate to when the door was closed on the Ark. . . . This is the time when Noah is on the Ark and doesn’t step off until April 26, 2021. . . . The world we are presently stepping into is the new era, and it does not start until April 26, 2021, and right now we are in transition.  The greatest time point in history is about to happen.”

Read full post HERE

Berto Jongman: The Origins Of ‘Planetary Realism’ And ‘Whole Earth Thinking’


This conversation was facilitated by Noema deputy editor Nils Gilman.

Gilman: Governor Brown, how did you first formulate the idea of planetary realism?

Brown: It happened in a mundane way. I was running for president in 1976, and I was formulating some ideas on foreign policy. As I discussed these issues with knowledgeable people, I thought of the world as being deeply interconnected. I had the sense that it wasn’t just “us against them,” but rather that there was connectivity among all nations across a range of issues.

Read full article HERE

Berto Jongman: Critical Disinformation Studies


Many of the stories that pundits, journalists, and scholars tell about disinformation begin with the 2016 US presidential election and focus on the role of social media platforms in spreading and generating false content. At their worst, these narratives imply that in the past, everyone shared the same sense of what was true and what was false; that this collective understanding was reinforced by legacy media like newspapers and TV news; and that “fake news,” disinformation, and inauthentic online behavior are responsible for a global far-right shift to populism exemplified by Brexit and the Trump presidency. None of these assumptions hold up to scrutiny.

Read more HERE

James Fetzer: Tim Foyle On the Psychology of the Conspiracy Denier


Tim Foyle, On the Psychology of the Conspiracy Denier

Why is it that otherwise perfectly intelligent, thoughtful and rationally minded people baulk at the suggestion that sociopaths are conspiring to manipulate and deceive them? And why will they defend this ill-founded position with such vehemence?

History catalogues the machinations of liars, thieves, bullies and narcissists and their devastating effects. In modern times too, evidence of corruption and extraordinary deceptions abound.

We know, without question, that politicians lie and hide their connections and that corporations routinely display utter contempt for moral norms – that corruption surrounds us.

See full article HERE

Berto Jongman: Explaining the SIGINT Annex

Berto Jongman

There is an old joke, still funny to some of us, that the National Security Agency (NSA) is the only part of the federal government that really listens. The NSA is the nation’s main collector of signals intelligence, or SIGINT, which “involves collecting foreign intelligence from communications and information systems and providing it to customers across the U.S. government, such as senior civilian and military officials.”

See full article HERE