Between California and Hawaii, there's a teeming patch of garbage that's stretched over an area more than double the size of Texas. We already knew it was huge. There's a reason it's called the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” But new research has found that there is many times more garbage in this patch than previously thought – 4 to 16 times more than past estimates, according to a paper published today in Nature Scientific Reports.
What Will Happen if the World No Longer Has Water?
The Jordan River, the country’s lone waterway, is dirty and depleted, while some of its aquifers have been pumped almost beyond repair. The nation’s annual rainfall is set to slide dramatically due to climate change, even as its population continues to swell. Jordan is too poor to turn to costly, large-scale desalination—or fix its leaky infrastructure. And the country’s population growth shows few signs of slowing, so it can’t fall back on water imports, as some lightly populated Pacific and Caribbean island nations have done. Water shortages have gotten so bad, they’ve already sparked clashes between refugees and native Jordanians, and the officials charged with catering to booming demand with a shrinking supply are beginning to panic.
Phi Beta Iota: Zionist Israel (not to be confused with decent Jews everywhere) has been stealing water from the Jordanian aquifers via long underground pipes. They have been doing this for decades. As Robert Steele wrote in his recent War in the Middle East article, if the Arabs, Iranians, and Turks do not focus on free energy and unlimited desalinated water (and other more traditional solutions such as have brought the Dead Sea back to life), Arabia is destined to be hell on Earth.
Up to 77 million Americans were serviced in 2015 by unsafe drinking water systems, with 18 million people exposed to excessive levels of lead and copper, a new study found, adding that penalties for violations are “virtually nonexistent.”
If the below site is correct, there is no lack of potable water on earth, we have completely missed the layer of primary water under the earth's surface, containing more water than we could ever desalinate from the sea.
Scientists have created a sieve capable of removing salt from seawater using the “wonder material” graphene.
Researchers at the University of Manchester developed a graphene membrane to desalinate water and make it drinkable, offering the promise of easy and accessible potable water for millions of people around the world.
A study published in the journal Nature Nanotechnology describes how the filtration system works by precisely controling the membrane’s pore size to sieve common salts out of salty water.