Search: CIA tri-fecta & More — Bimbos, Benghazi, Open Season, Israel


Great concept — did not exist but your phrase is now adopted.

Robert Steele: Post-Benghazi — Open Season on CIA?

Mini-Me: CIA Bimbo Eruption or Hit Job with Vickers Replacing Patreaus? Great Photos

Graphic: Benghazi Fiasco UPDATED w/ Marines (FAST Yes, MEU/MSG No) & 173rd Airborne ( – ) + RECAP

See Also:

Owl: Paula Broadwell nee Kranz as Zionist Honey? — Probably Not But Some Questions Do Need to Be Asked

Richard Wright: Petraeus A Political Execution – Bad for CIA – Vickers (or O’Sullivan, of the Clapper harem)?

Robert Steele: Intelligence for the President Revisited

Search: global warming [as of 30 Oct 2012]

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Global warming is normal, not an imminent threat.  Global warming, also known as climate change, is a tiny part of Environmental Degradation, top level threat #3 out of ten according to the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges, and Change of the United Nations.  Global warming is a direct result of common ignorance, corporate greed, and government corruption.  Roughly equivalent to global warming in the sense that they are also occurring over the next hundred years, are global flooding, substantially impacting on all urban areas at sea level, and the shift of the magnetic pole.  Earthquakes are a part of Environmental Degradation not included in the global warming threat arena — like global warming, earthquakes have both natural historical causes, and human causes such as fracking.

Global warming and climate change are associated with geo-engineering, which should frighten everyone given the fragmentation and ignorance of our varied “experts.”    High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program  (HAARP) is suspected by some of being used to create weather events.  Conclusive evidence is not available, but neither is transparency on the part of the government.

Anyone discussing global warming without having a strategic analytic model and a good knowledge of the ten threats, twelve core policies, and eight demographic challengers, is either ignorant or a hypocrite.

Global Warming at Phi Beta Iota:

Continue reading “Search: global warming [as of 30 Oct 2012]”

Search: open education / digital learning [as of 30 Oct 2012]

Education, Searches
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Open education has at least three components:  free access to learning resources; digital access to formerly analog learning resoources (e.g. instructors in classrooms); and learning accomplishment validation (becoming common) or credentialing (rare at this time).  More broadly defined, open education is “root” for any society desiring to be both democratic and prosperous.  Open education has not made the transition to Open Source Everything, but needs to do so — open education along with open books (businesses with public charters), open data, open government, open repositories and open science, all need the other opens in order to be agile, inter-operable, and scalable in an affordable and sustainable manner.  The stakeholders within the legacy education domain are largely afraid, ignorant, and in opposition to change.  They must be embraced, informed, and led.  “Open” is a meme, a mind-set, and a method.  It is a seed crystal for a local to global holistic approach to education, intelligence, and research — three domains that must be integrated — and the foundation for open civil society, open commerce, open government, open law enforcement, open media, open military, and open non-government/non-profit.

NOTE:  This search response does not include Open Access, Open Knowledge and all the other opens that enable and are themselves empowered by Open Education.

Continue reading “Search: open education / digital learning [as of 30 Oct 2012]”

Search: openbts [as of 30 Oct 2012]

BTS (Base Transciever Station), Searches

OpenBTS stands for Open Base Transciever Station.  It is the foundation for free cellular service and Internet access.  Ham radio operators were the first hackers, with active government repression until the government finally got a brain on this issue — ignorance always leads people with power lacking in integrity to do stupid things.  Now OpenBTS is the “root” open (see a list of most but not all opens below) and is a vital part of creating the Autonomous Internet, providing a grid for Liberation Technology, and making possible the creation of the World Brain and Global Game that unleaches the brain entrepreneurship of the five billion poor whose annual aggregate income is four trillion dollars, four times that of the one billion rich.

Click on Image to Enlarge

$250 Device Global Maps & Text Messages

CONNECT First, the Collective Intelligence Will Happen Naturally

Freedom Box Reflections

Graphic: M4IS2 OpenBTS, Call Centers, Diasphora

John Robb: OpenBTS Village Base Station

Kickstart the Freedom Box–Micro-Giving Rocks!

Click on Image to Enlarge

Mini-Me: Do-It-Yourself Cell Phones – A Tipping Point for Humanity

OpenBSC & OpenBTS

OpenBTS at Burning Man: Best Full Story

OpenBTS Egypt — Need to Flesh Out OpenBTS USA

OpenBTS GSM Simplified — Freeing Humanity

OpenMoko, OpenBTS, Free Your Phone & Humanity

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Range Networks: The ONLY OpenBTS Real Deal

Reference: OpenBTS Open Access Cellular Ham Hack

Reference: OpenMoko Mobile Open SW & HW

Reference: Open Source Everything – List

Search: how to use openbts in individual phones

Search: self made mobile device

UN Declares Internet Access a Human Right…

UN + Start-Up Seek to Get Poor Online with Cell Numbers

Big Picture Implications of OpenBTS:

Continue reading “Search: openbts [as of 30 Oct 2012]”

Search: osint [as of 21 Oct 2012]


WordPress search results are presented in reverse chronological order, and osint is a very old concept, since replaced by M4IS2.  OSINT is also only relevant in the context of a larger contruct, ethical evidence-based decisions in support of policy, acquisition, and operations.  Our understanding is that the US Government has eliminated the ADDNI/OS position and that most OSINT contracts have either been terminated, or are en route toward termination.  OSINT has never been done properly within the USG, and absent an Open Source Agency outside the secret world, never will be.  China seems to be in the lead now, with a deliberate focus on every other language except English; if there is a World Brain and Global Game in the future, it will probably be funded by and centered on China.

Below the line:

01)  Alternative Search Strategies*

02)  Top 25 OSINT Posts at Phi Beta Iota

03)  All Past OSINT-Related Searches & Responses

Continue reading “Search: osint [as of 21 Oct 2012]”

Search: major general michael flynn

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Constraints like major general exclude stuff, and he is normally referrred to as Mike Flynn.  General Mike Flynn DIA is a better search, in part because there is also a General Mike Flynn in the Marine Corps.

Journal: General Mike Flynn from AF to DC

Marcus Aurelius: General Mike Flynn to Head Defense Intelligence Agency

Mini-Me: General Mike Flynn on Intelligence — Earnest Advance or Better Kool-Aid?

NIGHTWATCH: General Flynn’s First Big Decision – Warning is Back at DIA – With Three Specific Suggestions from Robert Steele

Reference: Fixing Intel–A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan

Richard Wright: General Flynn to Head DIA – Exile or Reward? PLUS Comments by BG Bubba Boo, Ralph Peters, and Airborne Ranger

Richard Wright: General Mike Flynn – Taking the Helm of a Rudderless Agency Also Lacking an Engine with Comment by Robert Steele and Follow-On Comment from Richard Wright

Yoda: In with Flynn, Out with What? Can He Effect Change Clapper Could Not?

See Also:

Continue reading “Search: major general michael flynn”

Search: concentrated map of terrorists in us

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Here is the map created using information from Steve Emerson, the original US counter -intelligence pioneer on Islam-centered crime and terrorism in the USA.  This map only covers Islamic nodes — it does not include other religions that have their own brands of terrorism.

See Also:

Graphic: American Jihad (Map Based on Book)

Graphic: A Short Story-Terrorism as a Boil

Steven Emerson, American Jihad: The Terrorists Living Among Us (Free Press, 2003)