Search: treverton intelligence tribe policy


Greg Treverton was a brilliant conceptualizer of the competing influences on policymakers, and also a major voice in the original discussion of tribes in relation to intelligence focused on the intelligence production tribe and the political consumer tribe.

Graphic: Competing Influences on the Policymaker (Treverton)

This was a contributing foundation for Robert Steele's conceptualization–with Alvin Toffler while driving away from a lunch at DIA of the eight tribes of information-sharing and sense-making

Graphic: 1997 Toffler-Steele Building Blocks

The two concepts are distinct because the first focuses on competition and accepts information stovepipes and hoarding as a given, while the second shows the larger benefits to all from sharing information and making sense together.

Graphic: Information Commons & Eight Tribes

See Also:

Greg Treverton at Phi Beta Iota

Graphic: Meeting 21st Century Transnational Challenges – Building a Global Intelligence Paradigm

Graphic: Open Source Agency Clients & Commanders

Graphic: The UN and the Eight Tribes of Intelligence

Reference: Human Intelligence (HUMINT) – All Humans, All Minds, All the Time [Full Text Online for Google Translate]

Search: linking the split brain theory and jungian epistemological balance to architectural pedagogy


This is really fascinating because since these Salama graphics were posted, there have been many more explorations of the merger of neuroscience, psychology, and how we design and structure everything else.  Imagine the most gifted artists in the world locked inside a lunatic asylum.  That is us today.  We can do better.

Better search:  Graphic: Salama

Graphic: Salama 1 — Components and mechanisms of a theory for knowledge integration in architectural design education

Graphic: Salama 2 — Transdisciplinarity and its challenging to disciplinary boundaries and knowledge fragmentation

Graphic: Salama 3 –Linking the Split Brain Theory and Jungian Epistemological Balance to architectural pedagogy and learning

Graphic: Salama 4 — Strategic accommodation of transdisciplinarity at the knowledge delivery, studio, and degree levels

Graphic: Salama 5 — Strategic accommodation of the inquiry-epistemic component in a studio setting

See Also:

Continue reading “Search: linking the split brain theory and jungian epistemological balance to architectural pedagogy”

Search: 600 ship navy


The 600 ship search is what we had under Secretary of the Navy John Lehman.  The 1000 ship Navy is the multinational chimera of a series of Chiefs of Naval Operations.  The 450-ship Navy is the achievable, affordable, sustainable Navy that actually needs US national security and commerce needs.  The 450-ship Navy is also based on serious strategic and operational intelligence.  What the US Navy and US Marine Corps have in the way of force structure today is not based on serious strategic and operational intelligence, such as the  “strategic generalizations” that were done by the nascient Marine Corps Intelligence Center (MCIA) in 1988-1990 and then discontinued for lack of interest among the flag officers who care more about fighting for budget share on behalf of their particular mission area, instead of creating a whole Department of the Navy that is relevant, affordable, effective, and agile.

2008 U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century

See Also:

1991 MCG Intelligence Support for Expeditionary Planners

1990 Expeditionary Environment Analytic Model

1989 Expeditionary Environment Briefing

Journal: Intelligence & Innovation Support to Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, & Acquisition

Search: lord james of blackheath (not) dead + Meta-RECAP


NOTE:  The original reports of his death have been discounted by various sources including the House of Lords.  What seems to be happening in deep background is a rearrangement of financial power relationships, with Asian centers rising and European centers falling.  There is no credible public intelligence on the matter.

Lord James of Blackheath Describes a Private “Foundation” Which Has More Money Than All the Governments of the World Put Together

The first gentleman giving his report to Parliament is now dead, and this video was recorded on November 1st, just 20 days ago. The second gentleman… practically choked on his words in anxiety and fear.

2010 Original: Foundation X, Lord James of Blackheath, and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow

David Nobel James a.k.a Lord James of Blackheath is dead after exposing $15 Trillion dollar fraud

This exposure came around the same time that $6 Trillion in fake US Bonds were seized in Switzerland and another $2 Trillion in more fake US Bonds reportedly found in the Phillipines.

Lord James of Blackheath: The $15 TRILLION Dollar Money-Laundering Mystery

In other words, by process of simple deduction it was totally obvious that a gigantic, money-laundering operation was being conducted, with the primary goal being to prop-up the totally fraudulent U.S. Treasuries market. All that was missing was a paper-trail to prove this fraud, and now Lord James of Blackheath has been kind enough to provide this.

British Lord fell for $15 trillion federal reserve scam

“The Federal Reserve is aware of a fraudulent scam,” the page reads, “involving individuals using the names Yohannes Riyadi and/or Wilfredo Saurin, or persons claiming to be representatives of these two men.”

Phi Beta Iota:  Everything is connected.  It is not possible to create a world that works for all without getting to the truth across the board.

See Also:

Continue reading “Search: lord james of blackheath (not) dead + Meta-RECAP”

Search: osint dans les services secretes francais

Nous n'avons pas de connaissances actuelles sur cette question, autre que d'observer que les Français n'ont aucun respect pour la performance des Etats-Unis dans ce domaine.

Ceci est une histoire vraie: Au début des années 1990, Robert Steele a rencontré le colonel en charge de l'OSINT pour le général Heinrich. Il a dit qu'il avait du mal à faire à quiconque de prendre OSINT au sérieux. Steele a suggéré qu'il crée un compartiment nouveau mot de passe, et mettre le mot que seuls les dix premiers de personnes en France ont été autorisés à lire les informations – et ce serait OSINT. Il ne souriait pas. Il regarda Steele avec beaucoup de sérieux et dit: «C'est une solution très français».

Ce dont le monde a besoin maintenant, et la France pourrait faire cela avec l'Espagne et d'autres, est un centre multinational d'échange d'informations et le sens des décisions qui couvre la Caucasius, l'Afrique du Nord, l'Arabie, et la Turquie. Ce serait un centre d'OSINT et réseau capable de mobiliser, exploiter et partager toutes les informations pertinentes dans toutes les langues sur toutes les questions d'intérêt vital pour le commerce et la sécurité.