Search: World Risk Map 2012

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Great search, thank you.  How “risk” is defined determines what countries are up or down.  It is therefore essential to demand an itemization of assumptions, and to question those risk maps that are so conventional in nature as to ignore both rising sea levels and dropping drinkable water aquifers.  Dun & Broadstreet has never been especially thoughtful about risk at either the enterprise or the country level.  Similarly, Control Risks is focused on “old” concepts of risk rather than new concepts, or the USA and China would both be red zones.  Here are a few links and images.

D&B: Germany and Switzerland share best country rating worldwide

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Five unlikely shelters in the storm [Control Risks]

US Earthquake Hazard Map

The Council on Foreign Relations preventive priorities map is fascinating, in part because it places no importance on Brazil, Canada, Chile, or Indonesia, four locatons that we consider of vital importance.

Preventive Priorities Survey: 2012

Click on Image to Enlarge

‘Risk Atlas’ assesses meridian vulnerability

London (CNN) — Some of a world’s fastest flourishing race centers in Asia and Africa are during biggest risk from a impact of meridian change, according to a new report.

A sum of 30 countries were personal as being during “extreme risk” with Haiti, Bangladesh, Sierra Leone, Zimbabwe and Madagascar creation adult a tip 5 many in peril, while Vietnam, Indonesia and India all ranked inside a tip 30.

Click on Image to Enlarge

Six out of a 20 fastest flourishing cities worldwide, including Calcutta, India, Manila in a Philippines, Indonesia’s capital, Jakarta and Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, were also personal as during “extreme risk” by a CCVI.

Access to water

“How does a company respect local communities' right to water when operating production facilities that require high levels of water consumption and where the community suffers from an inadequate water supply by relevant government authorities, but where the business is welcome as a source of jobs and revenue?”

Click on Image to Enlarge

See Also:

2012 Reflexivity = Integrity: Toward Earth/Life 4.0

2011: Inteligencia Empresarial y Estrategia Competitiva en Mercados Internacional – Contexto y Desafio [Commercial Intelligence and Competitive Strategy in International Markets – Context and Challenge]

2011 Thinking About Revolution in the USA and Elsewhere (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

2008 The Substance of Governance ELECTION 2008 Lipstick on the Pig (Full Text Online for Google Translate)

Connecting the Dots: ALL of Them


Reference: Strategic Analytic Model for Creating a Prosperous World at Peace

Reference: WATER–Soul of the Earth, Mirror of Our Collective Souls

Robert Steele: Global Trends 2030 – Gaps + RECAP

Search: global insurgency map

Search: holistic cybernetic integral

Search: whole earth models

YouTube: Steele to Scowcroft at WW Center

Search: otan handbook osint


Es necesario buscar en ingles.

NATO Open Source Intelligence Handbook

Tambien se puede utilizar el indice (central):

Vea tambien:

2011: Inteligencia Empresarial y Estrategia Competitiva en Mercados Internacional – Contexto y Desafio [Commercial Intelligence and Competitive Strategy in International Markets – Context and Challenge]

Search: Intraterrestial Intelligence


OK, this is cool.   Thank you.

Search for Intraterrestrial Intelligence (2011)

Outline From Presentation “Intraterrestrial Intelligence” (Kaleb Smith, 2010 in California)

Intraterrestial Soundings (Amy Youngs)

Intra-terrestrial Intelligence By: W. Albert Rhodes (Cosmic Article)

The Search for Intraterrestial Intelligence (Richard Wagner, chapter)

Intraterrestial Intelligence Past and Future (Facebook Page)

Searching for SearchForIntraTerrestrialIntelligence

  1. ChangesInFebruaryZeroNine
  2. EarlyUniverseIntelligence
  3. EvolutionistsStartInTheMiddle
  4. GodGoo
  5. NanotechDoubts
  6. SearchForIntraTerrestrialIntelligence
  7. SiTi

Search: Citizen Counterintelligence #OWS


This is a very fine search made by five people, and warrants creation of a new post.  Today the US Government took pleasure in announcing the murder of the child of the US citizen they murdered the other day, without due process, in violation of the Constitution, using a remotely controlled drone, the same device used to kill the child.

At its highest level, citizen counterintelligence is about knowing everything possible about the government at every level from police precinct to global, and about corporations from the local store to the global headquarters.

The focus is on getting at the truth–validating who is who, what is what, and who can be trusted.

Counterintelligence consists of two parts:

Continue reading “Search: Citizen Counterintelligence #OWS”

Search: citation indices services


The original citation service in the USA is provided by the Institute of Scientific Information (ISI), which publishes the Science Citation Index (SCI) and the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI).  These are both online at DIALOG, and can be searched using the RANK command to identify the top 10, 20, 100 authors based on a specified topic and how many times others have cited them.  Generally it is useful to also note the number of articles each author has published, and to create a visualization of the citation clusters that quickly identify both centers of excellence and citation “clubs” a form of citation incest.  Acquired by Thomson Reuters, and losing Eugene Garfield and Henry Small (the latter to Maps of Science, see below), this is still the primary service but not growing to its fullest potential.  We exploit this via specialist information brokers; Mary Ellen Bates in particular has pioneered use of the RANK command–someone who does not know what they are doing can run up a huge bill that is not necessary.

Elsevier, late to the game, publishes an online service, Scopus.

China has adapted the idea to its own publications, and this is an extraordinary resource, one that a multinational Open Source Agency would strive to rapidly extend to all nations and all languages.  This is not to be confused with the effort by Thompson Reuters to expand into Chinese citation analytics as described by Philip Purnell in “Citation Analysis in China,” Beijing, May 2011.

Maps of Science, founded by Dick Klavans, who is unique for having complete access to all ISA data for his company, recently confirmed by a court when ISI balked at honoring its original deal, is the best exploitation scientist and artist we know of, using citation to find clusters of excellence and to identify gaps at the national, industrial, or company level.

Search: global brain human brain + RECAP

Robert David STEELE Vivas

I was asked to come in and do this one, and did so gladly.  Public intelligence in the public interest, done with integrity, is the global brain.  The human brain is the only inexhaustible resource we have, and Priority One should be to empower the five billion poor with connectivity first, and access to all possible knowledge, free, second.  That will create infinite wealth and a prosperous world at peace.  Those who oppose this are selfish and simple — in no way does this goal reduce the ill-gotten gains of those few who have profited at the expense of the many all these years — Truth & Reconciliation, rather than Impeachment and Hanging, is what we offer to those few.  They should take the deal and be glad to get it.  St.

WordPress can deal with – but not ably – compound questions  —  one reason why those who try to substitute technology for human thinking will always be severely challenged in the world of intelligence (decision-support).   Automated search does not do nuances.  Consider also using the new directories for major sets (Articles, Briefings, Graphics, RECAPs, & Searches) and remember that this web-site is the front end to (40,000 pages, 800 contributors) and (1000 pages, 24 contributors).  The Remixed Review Lists (70) are now a year out of date, but still an excellent starting point.

Negatives had to be excluded.  We do not have a world brain today because governments and corporations are corrupt and deliberately blocking all possible initiatives associated with “Open Everything.”  Right now corruption, fraud, gambling, and pornography rule.

The next “shift” for good might be among the young and world presidents, stimulated by their membership out of Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, the Iranian diasphora, Russia, and Venezuela.  It is obvious that the one billion rich with a one trillion a year economy have been both well and ill served by predatory industrial-era capitalism, and that the next big big new new thing is capitalism of, by, and for the five billion poor with a four trillion a year economy.  Lacking has been the shared open source agency, analytic model, and real-time information sharing grid to achieve near-real-time identification and satisfaction–for profit and in a sustainable manner–all global to local needs.

Below the line:

Global brain aka world brain aka global mind
Human brain aka human intelligence aka models for thinking
Human brain manifest in networks

Continue reading “Search: global brain human brain + RECAP”

Search: dia diospo


WordPress responds better to simple requests, for example,< dia dispo > yields a more limited results than < diospo > by itself, the most significant additional hit being 2009 DoD OSINT Leadership and Staff Briefings.

Nothing DIA does really matters–its leadership, like that of NSA, CIA, and the NRO–lacks integrity.  All of them are sucking chest wounds on the Republic, along with the service “intelligence” elements.  Below are four links, one positive, one provocative, one starkly negative, and the fourth referential.

Open Source Agency: Executive Access Point

Paul Fernhout: Open Letter to the Intelligence Advanced Programs Research Agency (IARPA)

David Isenberg: Jim Clapper Claims Transformation — Robert Steele Comments on Each Misrepresentation

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Intelligence (Most)

Two recent books are helpful in framing the current criminal insanity of how we “do” intelligence:

Top Secret America: The Rise of the New American Security State

No More Secrets: Open Source Information and the Reshaping of U.S. Intelligence