Search: Gates sniffed


We are very amused.  Normally we only post unsuccessful searches, but this one was so elegantly contrived we think it should be the meme that best describes the man.

Bob Gates, Chief Maintenance Clerk, Talks Crap — and the Wall Street Journal Goes Along…

Between the speech outline and the full-text presentation by Robert Steele made just prior to Gates' “sniffing,” we strongly recommend the latter to appreciate just how far in advance and how detailed the understanding was at the time, that Robert Gates and all other “mandarins” absolutely refused to consider.

Search: cribb, government of the shadows: parapo

Corruption, Searches

Thank you.  This web site now attracts “value-added” searches that help flesh out all that we have not been able to cover in the time we have been exploring “truth” as opposed to twaddle.  Rather than integrate a guest review of this book, we are providing here both a link to the book and to several other books along the same lines–the line is now drawn:  legalized criminal violent power versus collective non-violent bottom-up non-zero sharing.  What astonishes us is how many Nobel Peace Prizes have gone to those who are so deeply engaged in the global legalized criminal violent enterprise.  That marks the full extent of the network.

Amazon Page
Government of the Shadows analyses the concept of clandestine government. It explores how covert political activity and transnational organised crime are linked — and how they ultimately work to the advantage of state and corporate power. The book shows that legitimate government is now routinely accompanied by extra-governmental covert operations. Using a variety of case studies, from the mafia in Italy to programmes for food and reconstruction in Iraq, the contributors illustrate that para-political structures are not ‘deviant', but central to the operation of global governments.
The creation of this truly parallel world-economy, the source of huge political and economic potential, entices states to undertake new forms of regulation, either through their own intelligence agencies, or through the more shadowy world of criminal cartels.

Search: bin laden at the white house in 2000

Click on Image to Enlarge

Bin Laden Show 19: White House Photo Ops

A better search is <bin laden condi rice>.  Here is the photo, still one of Condi's favorites (and just as valid as the 935 lies she helped tell to get us to go to an elective three-trillion dollar war, invasion, and occupation of Iraq).

The US Government will continue to be corrupt until people like Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, and Condi Rice are held accountable for their lies and high crimes against the public.  And of course Barack Obama and his Cabinet–one bird, two wings, same shit.  We also need to hold accountable all those who violated their oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies, domestic and foreign.  We do not seek vengeance, only truth & reconciliation.  “…until you get the truth out on the table, no matter how ugly, you cannot deal with it.”  Bob Seelert