Search: management connect the dots

Robert Steele

Personal from Robert Steele.  Although this search yields some links, we'd like to do a little better for you.  Here are a few observations:

1)  If you are only working with 20% of the relevant information, you cannot connect dots that lie outside that 20%.  We live in a complex globalized environment in which everything is connected, and if you cannot do all information in all languages all the time, while also managing human intelligence to leverage all humans, all minds, all the time, you are toast.  The US Government generally, and the US Intelligence Community  specifically, are still back in the 1950's to 1970's in terms of mind-set, isolation from reality and open sources, and so on.

2)  The top-down unilateral command and control communciations, computing, and intelligence (C4I) infrastructure is so severely handicapped as to be largely worthless in terms of estimate intelligence, warning, or rapid reaction.  Haiti is a classic example of how badly the US Government performs when it cannot connect to reality on the ground–the hard rains come in May, the USA has wasted 30 days by focusing on the evacuation of Americans rather than the stabilization and reconstruction of Haiti–what this means is that in April and May the US Coast Guard may well be over-whelmed with a boat exodus–because at the strategic level, our command authority could “command” individual boats and flights, but it could not “connect” to reality and see the obvious: fix Haiti, or watch them swarm toward US shores.  We invaded Haiti once before to stop a boatlift, it seems we learned nothing from that experience.

Continue reading “Search: management connect the dots”

Search: robert young pleton (sic) pelton

Robert Young Pelton

Although this search produces the below hit, his name is mis-spelled and since he is one of the platinum award winners and a true class act, we've run the search with the correct spelling and below are the other hits.

2006 Pelton (US) Recommends The Changing Face of Global Violence

See also:

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Robert Young Pelton

Journal: Worth a Look–the Echo Chamber Project

Review: Licensed to Kill–Hired Guns in the War on Terror (Hardcover)

Threat Archives on Public Intelligence (1992-2006)

2004 Pelton (US) Value-added Citizen Blogs, Forums, and Wars

2003 Pelton (US) World’s Most Dangerous Places

Review: Robert Young Pelton’s The World’s Most Dangerous Places: 5th Edition

Search: jack davis and his collected memoranda o

Jack Davis

Although this search brings up two relevant hits, Jack Davis, de facto dean of intelligence analytic tradecraft, is one of perhaps ten people at CIA that we absolutely hold in the highest regard.  Here are all of the links, the first one being the specific report you are looking for.  Searching on the web for “analytic tradecraft” is also interesting.  Here it is better to search for <jack davis>.

1997 Davis A Compendium of Analytic Tradecraft Notes

Who’s Who in Public Intelligence: Jack Davis

2003 Davis (US) Analytic Paradoxes: Can Open Source Intelligence Help?

2000 PRIMER on Open Sources & Methods

Graphic: The UN and the Eight Tribes of Intelligence

Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]

Review: Assessing the Tradecraft of Intelligence Analysis

See also:

Worth a Look: Book Reviews on Analysis

Search: four levels intelligence analysis


Although the search works, it's such an important line of inquiry that we've decided to create this direct post.  Thank you for seeking this.  Credit first:  Edward N. Luttwak's brilliant Strategy–The Logic of War and Peace, Revised and Enlarged Edition was the first effort to not just distinguish between the four levels of analysis (strategic, operational, tactical, and technical) but to show how capabilities at different levels that might be insufficient on their own (e.g. a man-held bazooka against tanks at the tactical level) actually created a coherent whole when combined with capabilities at others levels (artillery, aviation, fuel interdiction).

Here is a clean short list responsive to your search, aided by the human in the loop:

Graphic: OSINT Support to Four Levels of Analysis

Graphic: Expeditionary Environment Analytic Model

Graphic: Threat Level Changes Depending on the Level of Analysis

1990 Expeditionary Environment Analytic Model

Search: Strategic Analytic Model

Search: memetic leadership design


Wonderful serach.  We have some graphics and some books, and a couple of external links for you.

Top Recommendations:

Graphic: Six Circles–Earth Intelligence Network Operational Concept

Graphic: Epoch B Multinational Network Rising

Graphic: Open Everything

Review: Evolutionary Activism by Tom Atlee

Review: Nonzero–The Logic of Human Destiny

Review: The Compassionate Instinct–The Science of Human Goodness

Review: Philosophy and the Social Problem–The Annotated Edition

Wikipedia Memetic engineering is a term developed and coined by Leveious Rolando, John Sokol, and Gibran Burchett while they researched and observed the behavior of people after being purposely exposed (knowingly and unknowingly) to certain memetic themes. The term is based on Richard Dawkins‘ theory of memes.

  • The process of developing memes, through meme-splicing and memetic synthesis, with the intent of altering the behavior of others in society or humanity.
  • The process of creating and developing theories or ideologies based on an analytical study of societies, cultures, their ways of thinking and the evolution of their minds.
  • The process of modifying human beliefs, thought patterns, etc.

Phi Beta Iota: Memetics is NOT propaganda and it cannot be imposed from the top down  It is more like righteous statecraft, treating philosophy with respect and using education the way it should be, a means of empowering the collective public to self-govern by being fully self-aware.  Memes are a form of cultural memory of what works.

More below the fold.

Continue reading “Search: memetic leadership design”

Search: intelligence science board social media


Very interesting.  DARPA and IARPA are running about 10 years behind Stephen E. Arnold;  Intel, CISCO, and Nokia are the folks we are watching, although we do not think CISCO will defeat Google, and we do not think Google will overcome its very harmful “do great evil just don't get caught” model.

A Few Intelligence Science Board Reports

There is “an astonishing number of groups and activities concurrently pursuing the subject” of information sharing, according to a newly disclosed 2004 report (pdf) of the Intelligence Science Board (ISB).  But those activities are not well coordinated.  “In effect, we aren’t even sharing information about information sharing.”

Phi Beta Iota: The Advanced Information Processing and Analysis Steering Group (AIPASG) found much the same in 1992 or so.  The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) desperately needs to get back in the business of MANAGING, using its legitmate presidential authority over the budget to demand an inventory of all that is being done with our taxpayer dollars, and then working to eliminate redundancies and competing projects.

CIA Intelligence Science Board

Phi Beta Iota: This is dated, but if anywhere near this now, a very weak board indeed.

A few leads:

Everything on this site tagged Arnold

Twitter hits on this site

Intel Chip Chat

Intel’s Emerging Compute Model Forum

Cloud Computing (the vendor model against Haggle, the bottom-up infrastructure independent model)

Phi Beta Iota: The “proprietary” corporate model of software is going to collapse at some point.  The only solution that is scalable and sustainable as well as interoperable and effective is the bottom-up open source software solution.

Search: “best practices” and “osint training”


Thank you.  Complex searches do not do well within Word Press.  Here are two distinct results for you, the first within Reviews, the second within Journal.

Reviews: Best Practices in Management (96)

OSINT is like anything else–clarity, diversity, and integrity matter.

Other using search term training (OSINT is irrelevant, this entire site is about OSINT):

Search: free intelligence training

Search: United Nations Intelligence Training

Search: The Future of OSINT [is M4IS2-Multinational]

Search: Intelligence and the Viet-Nam War

See also:

About the Idea (39);  Definitiions (9);   Handbooks (39); Historic Contributions (226);  History of Opposition (13) and of course all the Articles & Chapters (68);   Books (OSS/EIN) (11);   Briefings & Lectures (66).