Journal: Call for Signatures in Support of Open Primaries

Electoral Reform USA, Reform

Sign the Petition
Sign the Petition

There are at least four movements underway to destroy the two-party tyranny and restore the integrity of the U.S. electoral process and with it the integrity of the U.S. Government.

Below is one such movement.  Others include the movement for Free and Open Elections, the movement to Unify Independents, and the movement to audit the Federal Reserve and its its role as a front for Wall Street and particularly Goldman Sachs whose looting the U.S. Treasury of future funds has taken bank robbery to new heights.  Phi Beta Iota appeals to all those who visit this site and who care about the public interest to support with their signature.  One signature, one vote, one Nation under God.  We gave it up, let's get it back.  Please click to read and repsond to a simple request for your signature.

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