The Deep State, consisting of Wall Street as managed by the Rothschilds and influenced by the Vatican as well as the leaders of Israel and Saudi Arabia, fronted for by the two-party tyranny that seeks to destroy our President, and aided by the secret intelligence services spying on all politicians, judges, and others of import so as to blackmail them into betraying their Oaths of office under the US Constitution, seeks nothing less than the impeachment or resignation of President Donald Trump. This would leave Mike Pence, the Vice President and former Governor whom many consider all too comfortable with the concept of perpetuating the Deep State – in charge of the Executive.
What follows is a speech drafted originally for the exclusive viewing by the President and his most trusted advisor Steve Bannon. It is being released to the public because the President is continuing delay confronting the harsh reality that only a larger public movement can defeat the Deep State. The Republican Party is part of the Deep State.
If, as the author anticipates, WikiLeaks turns its attention next to the Republican Party and its leaders – a number of whom are pedophiles, closet gays, and/or agents of a foreign power and whose perversions and treason have been covered up by Reince Preibus, among others in his prior capacity as Chairman of the Republican National Committee – then the President will be left with both a Senate and House in disarray, to include potential resignations and suicides that could end the Republican majority in the Senate and lead to special appointments and elections that end the Republican majority in the House.
A Democratic Party majority in either chamber of Congress will be the death of our legitimately elected President. We believe he has no alternative, if he wishes to both survive and become the greatest President in modern American history – as great as John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan combined – but to deliver this speech and put the full force of his presidency behind the values represented by this speech.