Advance Order (15 Jan 15): Digital Humanitarians: How Big Data is Changing the Face of Humanitarian Response

Advanced Cyber/IO, Crowd-Sourcing, Drones & UAVs, Geospatial, Governance, Innovation, Liberation Technology, Resilience, United Nations & NGOs, Worth A Look
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

This book shows us once again why Patrick Meier is a thought leader in leveraging emerging technologies for social impact. His book captures the enormous possibilities and avoidable pitfalls of big data, social media and artificial intelligence in crisis contexts. Digital humanitarians can be powerful agents for social change but ground-truthing what we see and hear digitally is more important than ever.
—Aleem Walji, Chief Innovation Advisor, Leadership, Learning, and Innovation, World Bank Group

Phi Beta Iota: The book title and description from the publisher are misleading.  This is not a book about Big Data. It is a book about distributed human networks using open source information technologies to achieve situational awareness with a speed and precision that the entire US secret intelligence community (which costs $100 billion a year) cannot match.

See Also:

Patrick Meier @ Phi Beta Iota

Danielle Villegas: Employma — For $50, Fire the HR Morons and Put LinkedIn and Monster Etc. Out of Business

Worth A Look
Danielle Villegas
Danielle Villegas

Average job seeker completes 400 applications each taking at least one hour. Average “job” site increases work and frustration without providing any value-added. This could be a market changer!

Article About Employma

Kickstarter Page for Employma

Phi Beta Iota: They have selected Amazon as the payment channel, instead of PayPal, BitCoin, and other more popular alternatives. We have asked them to expand the options since so many people hate Amazon and will not pay through Amazon. This also leads to the suspicion that this is a Jeff Bezos hobby horse that will eventually screw all prospective employees and employers in some way (55% of your first paycheck, anyone?), so buyer beware.

Worth a Look: Rain — All in For Vets

Worth A Look

rain logorain — one nation one voice

Rain promotes legislative change on national issues while remaining self-sustaining via a for-profit business model. By focusing on one major issue at a time that have broad support across all demographics, Rain aims to radically alter the interface between politics and the American people.

Rain’s opening campaign – All In For Vets – will build a national movement to address the long neglected needs of America’s veterans.

See Also:

Standing Up For Vets: For three decades Gordon Erspamer has been battling the VA to get disability benefits for veterans.

Worth a Look: Critical Thinking for Strategic Intelligence

Worth A Look
Amazon Page
Amazon Page

Critical Thinking for Strategic Analysis is organized around twenty key questions that all analysts should ask as they prepare to conduct research, draft papers, and present their analysis. We divided the twenty questions into four groups, focusing on the four stages of generating an analytic product:

1. How do I get started?

2. Where is the information I need?

3. What is my argument?

4. How do I convey my message most effectively?

Continue reading “Worth a Look: Critical Thinking for Strategic Intelligence”