Patrick Meier: How Civil Resistance Protests Improve Crowdsourced Disaster Response (and Vice Versa)

Geospatial, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Patrick Meier

Phi Beta Iota:  This may well be the most important post Dr. Patrick Meier has done to date.  Robert Steele is writing a new chapter or article, Public Administration in the 21st Century: New Rules, Hybrid Forms, One Constant — The Public that will integrate and expand on the core insight at the conclusion of the below post: routing around government may be the most important non-violent ethical means of displacing corrupt governments and restoring the sovereignty of the public.

How Civil Resistance Protests Improve Crowdsourced Disaster Response (and Vice Versa

When Philippine President Joseph Estrada was forced from office following widespread protests in 2001, he complained bitterly that ”the popular uprising against him was a coup de text.” Indeed, the mass protests had been primarily organized via SMS. Fast forward to 2012 and the massive floods that recently paralyzed the country’s capital. Using mobile phones and social media, ordinary Filipinos crowdsourced the disaster response efforts on their own without any help from the government.

Continue reading “Patrick Meier: How Civil Resistance Protests Improve Crowdsourced Disaster Response (and Vice Versa)”

Jon Lebkowsky: Doc Searls Book & Discussion – The Intention Economy

Culture, Economics/True Cost, P2P / Panarchy
Jon Lebkowsky

I’m leading a discussion on the WELL with Doc Searls about his new book, The Intention Economy: When Customers Take Charge, which explores new thinking about the power relationship between customers/consumers and vendors. Doc has been rethinking those relationships through Project VRM (via his fellowship at the Berkman Center at Harvard), which has recently led to the creation of a “customer commons.”

It’s an old saw to say that listening to customers is a way to improve and gain new market advantages. But the difference with VRM will be adapting to standards and practices set on the customers’ side — ones that work the same for all companies. There will be less and less leverage in communicating only within a company’s on communication silo. IMHO, “social” services like Twitter and Facebook are not going to provide those standard ways, because they too are privately owned silos.

Scale will only happen when everybody uses the same stuff in the same way. The Internet and its core protocols scaled because they were essentially NEA: Nobody owned them, Everybody Used them and Anybody could improve them. (Yes, some were owned in a legal sense, but in a practical sense they were ownerless. This is why, for example, Ethernet beat Token Ring. Intel, Xerox and Digital essentially released Ethernet into the public domain while IBM wanted to keep Token Ring fully private and charge or it. This bitter lesson had leverage later when IBM embraced Linux.) Email as we know it won because it scaled in exactly that way.

John Steiner: Fix Our America — Many Small Donations Against A Few Large Bribes

P2P / Panarchy, Politics
John Steiner

Join the Great Cooperation to Begin America Again, Finally Freed From Money-Bought Politics

Want Massive Positive Change? Here's the Easiest, Surest Way!

Our Mission: Fix the Constitution! We seek to rally you and most Americans around a shared belief that our utmost, urgent task must be to amend the U.S. Constitution to eliminate the vicious, corrupting and undemocratic role of private and corporate campaign money in elections. By doing so, we also seek to make ending our system of money-bought governance – whereby big donors purchase the policies they want while the rest of us have no real say – a must-cover story in the media and a must-do goal in the minds of our politicians. 

Fix Our America, started by business and civic leaders, is the only election reform group at this point whose sole purpose is to mount the saturation advertising and marketing campaign needed to mobilize Americans in support of campaign finance reform via Constitutional amendments already introduced in Congress. Whatever your political persuasion, this is your opportunity to have a huge positive impact on our governance and politics with little effort on your part.

Our Plan: Saturate America with a Massive Multimedia Advertising Campaign Essential to Educate the Public

Continue reading “John Steiner: Fix Our America — Many Small Donations Against A Few Large Bribes”

Tom Atlee: Letter to a Peace Activist — CHANGE the Game!

P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Tom Atlee

Dear friends,

Letter to a Peace Activist

This is an excerpt from my recent response to an activist who felt that stopping an attack on Iran was the most important issue we faced, given the horrendous likely consequences of such an attack on Middle East populations and on the global economy.  A variation of this letter could have been written to any number of activists on any number of other subjects.  It is not intended to invalidate any activism or the good work being done on so many issues, but rather to urge a broader perspective that results in at least a significant number of people shifting their activism upstream to changing the systems* that generate the danger, destruction, suffering and mind-boggling emerging crises we face in this century.

A passionate video version of these sentiments can be found at



Continue reading “Tom Atlee: Letter to a Peace Activist — CHANGE the Game!”

Michel Bauwens: Emerging Leader Labs

Civil Society, Collective Intelligence, Culture, Ethics, P2P / Panarchy
Michel Bauwens

In my opinion, a truly ground-breaking initiative, and a game changer.

Thanks Venessa Miemis, the Quakers, and the whole team, for bringing this about!!

Ask more details via @EmLeaders (twitter).


“”The premise is pretty straightforward: There are plenty of passionate, driven people who want to make cool ideas and projects happen. Access to resources (especially, money) is often a large barrier to actualizing them. So why not create physical locations that don’t require money as a chief organizing energy source, where enthusiastic entrepreneurs, artists, designers and other creatives can come together and prototype their dreams?

The way I previously described the flavor of it was:

the superhero school. a center for disruptive innovation. continuous learning zone. collective intelligence. live/work startup incubator. community center. hackerspace. makerlab. autonomous zone. permaculture and sustainable food production. cooperatively owned communications infrastructure. resilience. r&d lab. a place for creative troublemakers.

The idea wants to happen, so without waiting for conditions to be ‘perfect’ to start, we’ve decided to just go ahead and help build it.

Continue reading “Michel Bauwens: Emerging Leader Labs”

John Steiner: Margaret Hefferman’s Peace Cry – Dare to Disagree, CHANGE the Game

P2P / Panarchy, Politics

Worth watching…

Here’s the link for Margaret Heffernan's provocative and inspiring 13-minute TED talk, “Dare to Disagree.”

The presenter, Margaret Heffernan, is an amazing woman. Media producer, entrepreneur, feminist, philosopher, business consultant. Check out her bio at <

Follow her Huffpost blog at:

Her motto: “Let's not play the game, let's change it.”

Anthony Judge: Laetus in Praesens – Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends

Culture, Economics/True Cost, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics
Anthony Judge
Anthony Judge

Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends

Mapping the social climate change engendering a perfect storm

Checklist of 30 disabling trends
Spiraling trends: cyclones in a climate of change?
Interweaving “cyclones” and “anti-cyclones” in a global system
Emergent polyhedral configuration of alternating systemic functions
Insights from the Conference of the Birds?

See Also:

Anthony Judge: 30 Disabling Global Trends (Checklist)

Full Text with Two Graphics and Many Links Below the Line

Continue reading “Anthony Judge: Laetus in Praesens – Convergence of 30 Disabling Global Trends”