Worth a Look: Aspiration Manifesto

#OSE Open Source Everything

Aspiration_logoAspiration is a values-driven nonprofit technology organization. Our work, our passion, and our focus derive from a set of philosophies that come down to a single unassailable conviction: technology and technologists should be in service to nonprofits and their missions, not the other way around.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, or at least readily verifiable via grizzled veterans of nonprofit technology struggles:

Read manifesto.

Jean Lievens: End of Capitalism & Rise of Sharing Economy

Economics/True Cost
Jean Lievens
Jean Lievens

Immanuel Wallerstein on when Capitalism will die

Chaos until 2050 while capitalism dies — Davos (hierarchy, exploitation, polarization) will try to prevent Puerto Alegre (democratic, egalitarian, efficient resource management – no waste). Three catastrophic possibilities: environmental crisis, pandemics, nuclear war. Entire capitalist system creates toxins that are “dumped in the river.” If true cost economics are respected, “profit” in sense of accumulation and hoarding must end. Need pervasive cultural change that in turn impacts on choices, investments, technology applications.  Phi Beta Iota: compelling.

Second reference and graphic below the fold.

Continue reading “Jean Lievens: End of Capitalism & Rise of Sharing Economy”

Michel Bauwens: 10 Open Source Policies for a Commons-Based Society

Access, Data, Design, Economics/True Cost, Education, Governance, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy, Politics, Resilience, Science
Michel Bauwens
Michel Bauwens

10 Open Source Policies for a Commons-Based Society


1 Education 2 Research 3 Purchasing 4 Patents 5 Data 6 Collaboration 7 Commons 8 Health 9 Economy 10 Systemic Change

Tip of the Hat to Jean Lievens.

Open Government Graphic Below the Fold

Continue reading “Michel Bauwens: 10 Open Source Policies for a Commons-Based Society”

Stephen E. Arnold: Open Source Analytics – Datameer Goverance Tools for Hadoop

Stephen E. Arnold
Stephen E. Arnold

Datameer: Action, Not Talk, about Data Governance

A happy quack to Datameer. The company is providing tools to deal with issues related to data quality, compliance, and security. If you Hadoop, Datameer is taking action, not just talking with regard to Hadoop crunching. With “end users” fooling around with analytics, outputs can be exciting. Some Statistics 101 students would be reluctant to turn these “reports” is at the end of the term. For MBAs, point and click analyses are quick and easy. Outputs? Hey, isn’t anything generated by a computer correct? Navigate to “Datameer Adds Governance Tools for Hadoop Analytics.”

Willow Brugh: Distributed Digital Disaster Response

Crowd-Sourcing, Geospatial, Governance, P2P / Panarchy, Resilience
Willow Brugh
Willow Brugh

Willow Brugh on Distributed and Digital Disaster Response

The citizen response to 2012's Hurricane Sandy was in many important ways more effective than the response from established disaster response institutions like FEMA. New York-based response efforts like Occupy Sandy leveraged existing community networks and digital tools to find missing people; provide food, shelter, and medical assistance; and offer a hub for volunteers and donors.

In this talk Willow Brugh — Berkman fellow and Professor of Practice at Brown University — demonstrates examples ranging from Oklahoma to Tanzania where such distributed and digital disaster response have proved successful, and empowered citizens to respond in ways traditional institutions cannot.

View Video (59:28)