Worth a Look: Historical Items Posted Today


Defense Intelligence

1990  Reference: Defense Intelligence in the 1990’s Guidance (1990)

1990  Reference: USMC Draft Defense Intelligence Fixes (1990)

1991  Reference: USMC Proposed Alternative National Intelligence Topics (NIT) (1991)

1991 Reference: USMC Utilizing the Counter-Narcotics Center Experience as a Basis for General Intelligence Restructuring Initiatives (1991)

Andrew Shepard

1995  Reference: Error Management in US Intelligence (1995)

1995  Reference: Keeping a Watchful Eye on Incoming Information, at Less Cost (1995)

1995  Reference: Meeting the Immediate Needs of Intelligence Consumers (1995)

Michael Leavitt

1991  Reference: The Analyst and Technology–2000 Essay (1991)

Robert Steele

1986  Artificial Intelligence and Complex Organizations

2007  Reference: Memorandum for the DNI on Collective Intelligence (2007)

World Brain Working Group

1994  Reference: World Brain/World Mind (1994)


1994 Graphic: Original Banzai by Col Walt Breede III, USMC

NIGHTWATCH: Somalia Piracy, Niger Famine


Somalia Anti-Pirate Patrol: A Danish destroyer, HDMS Absalon, sank a pirate mothership in the Indian Ocean off the Somali coast after allowing the crew to leave, a NATO spokes person said Monday. The mothership was fired on and sank after its crew members were transferred to a smaller boat in tow, which was allowed to return to the mainland.

Piracy is off to a slow start this year.  An Australian source reported 17 acts of attempted and successful ship seizures this year through 1 March.  Six ships and 140 seafarers plus a British couple are in pirate custody at this time, awaiting ransom payments.  Ransom demands have increased to $7 million, but it is not clear that payments have gone above $4 million, about the same as last year.

Niger: Update. Today, the junta announced formation of a 20-member provisional government to guide the country to future elections, Reuters reported. Mahamadou Danda will continue as prime minister, and junta chief Major Salou Djibo appointed five military officers to the government, including General Mamadou Ousseini as Defense Minister.

The new military ruler said millions of people are threatened by famine in Niger, Reuters reported. Addressing the nation on state television, Major Djibo said all means were urgently being deployed to tackle the famine, which “threatens the existence of millions of Nigeriens in virtually all regions.”

Easing of famine will be the first test of the sincerity of the new caretakers, who claim to have seized power to take better care of the people, among other justifications.

Journal: England to Lose Falkland Islands/Malvinas Over Oil–China Triumphant by 2020


South Atlantic: Britain May Provoke New Conflict With Argentina–Chinese Analysis of Region's Value (Australia.to, 24 Feb 10)

CFK ‘very happy' with massive support over Malvinas claim (Buenos Aires Herald, 23 Feb 10)

Venezuela calls for removal of submarine platform in Malvinas(Falkland) Islands (People's Daily China, 23 Feb 10)

The Big Question: Could oil exploration of the Falklands lead to a renewal of hostilities? (The Independent, 23 Feb 10)

British Site, Argentine Content

Drilling for oil begins off the Falkland Islands (BBC 22 Feb 10)

Argentinians invade Falkland Islands website (The Register, 22 Feb 10)

Cuba pushes Latin American cooperation without U.S. (Reuters, 20 Feb 10)

Falkland Islands: Oil boom or no oil boom? (BBC 18 Feb 10)

Argentina blocks shipment in flap over Falklands (AFP 11 Feb 10)

Britain VS Argentina-2025, Britain losses!? (Answers, 20 Jan 10)

Chinese in Argentina (DanWei, 13 Jan 09)

Geography 101:  Australia is best path to Soiuth Pole for UK, China will use Argentina, USA will not have any influence of note.

Journal: US War Policy Enters the Rubber Room

Chuck Spinney

Afghan War Topples Dutch Govt (AntiWar.com)

More important than the toppling of the Dutch government, and the prospect of new elections, is NATO’s actions which led up to it. Generally speaking, NATO has not made a habit of pressuring for action against the will of that nation’s ruling coalition, and many saw Rasmussen’s request as a sign that the Dutch coalition’s leadership had already signed off on the move. If NATO’s eternal quest for more troops to throw at Afghanistan has seen it now moving unilaterally against the elected governments of member nations, Rasmussen’s comment that “Afghanistan is only the beginning” may soon need to be revised to “the Netherlands is only the beginning.”

Gates Calls European Mood a Danger to Peace (New York Times)

“The demilitarization of Europe — where large swaths of the general public and political class are averse to military force and the risks that go with it — has gone from a blessing in the 20th century to an impediment to achieving real security and lasting peace in the 21st,” he told NATO officers and officials in a speech at the National Defense University, the Defense Department-financed graduate school for military officers and diplomats.

Make War, Not Love

Gates: European Aversion to War a Danger to Peace


Speaking today at the National Defense University, US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates condemned European nations in general for their refusal to contribute larger portions of their population to NATO.

Gates warned that Europe’s aversion to war was doing serious harm to assorted US military operations with NATO backing, and was therefore “an impediment” to the lasting peace he envisions those wars eventually creating.

Gates’ comments appeared to be directed in part at the Netherlands, who saw its government collapse this weekend after NATO pressure to continue its commitment to the Afghan War led antiwar members of the government to withdraw.

He said that the “demilitarization of Europe” was a long-term, systemic problem for NATO, and that the European members of NATO needed to increase their military spending to NATO mandated levels.

Continue reading “Journal: US War Policy Enters the Rubber Room”

Journal: Obama’s Atomic Blunder (Or Not)


By Harvey Wasserman

As Vermont seethes with radioactive contamination and the Democratic Party crumbles, Barack Obama has plunged into the atomic abyss.

In the face of fierce green opposition and withering scorn from both liberal and conservative budget hawks, Obama has done what George W. Bush could not—pledge billions of taxpayer dollars for a relapse of the 20th Century’s most expensive technological failure.

Read entire article online

Harvey Wasserman is Senior Advisor to Greenpeace USA and the Nuclear Information & Resource Service. His SOLARTOPIA! OUR GREEN-POWERED EARTH is at www.solartopia.org.

Continue reading “Journal: Obama's Atomic Blunder (Or Not)”

Event: 8-11 Jun 10 Sweden Chemical & Biological Warfare


10th International Symposium on Protection against Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents
8-11 June, 2010 at Kistamässan, Stockholm, Sweden

Due to the Swedish Royal wedding on June 19, 2010, there will be many events going on all over Stockholm and in the suburbs, during the weeks prior to the wedding. Be sure to make your hotel reservation in good time.

The topics for the 10th CBW Protection Symposium are the following:
– Emerging threats and risks
– Detection, identification and monitoring of CB agents
– CBRN Crisis Management at national and international levels
– Medical management CBRN
– Physical protection
– Non-proliferation and demilitarisation issues
– Commercial developing technologies