Berto Jongman: Water, Climate, & Conflict — the Risks that Deep State Makes Worse…

Berto Jongman

Water, climate and conflict: security risks on the increase?

This briefing note explores the multidimensional relationship between water, climate change, human security and political conflict. The relationship between human security and water- and climate-related stressors such as floods, droughts and reduced food availability is quite straightforward. The relationships between water,climate and political conflict, however, are complex and depend strongly on political,economic, societal and cultural contexts. Water and climate conditions in the world are expected to change dramatically due to population growth, further economic development and climate change.

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Robert Steele: Vatican Pedophilia & Illuminati Blood Drinking UPDATE: PedoEmpire Book Free Online

Robert David STEELE Vivas

In the aftermath of my speech in NYC on 18 May 2017, to an audience that was 50% fans who are already awake and 50% New Yorkers who are not yet awake and were therefore shocked by my mention of the Vatican as part of the Deep State and the role of pedophilia and child abuse including child murder and blood-drinking, I have received several emails asking for more information. Below is what I am able to provide on the fly. I made two separate comments that are inter-twined:

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