NYC: Day After Thanksgiving, Military with Machine Gun Outside of Bakery/Pastry Shop

Civil Society, Ethics, Military, Uncategorized

NYC Port Authority Terminal, November 25, 2011
Jason Liszkiewicz

Returning from a bus trip, I walked passed a man with a machine gun outside of a “bakery” (pastry-type cafe). I walked up to him and asked why was he outside of a bakery with a machine gun. His only reply was “9/11.”

click to enlarge

The Department of Defense spent and spends how many Billion$ (and Rumsfeld admitting he could not account for $2.3TRILLION on September 10, 2001) that did not prevent the September 11 attacks and this man with a machine gun is outside of a pastry shop telling me it's because of 9/11.

Is insane the “new normal?”

Many weeks ago I was given a flyer at Liberty Plaza by someone from the War Resisters League that had many links about war tax boycotting:
+ 3o minute documentary “Death & Taxes”
+ National War Tax Resistance Coordinating Committee
+ (877) 447-4487 for military who refuse to fight

|Also on the flyer:
+ (true cost of war)

Also See: NYC People's Life Fund who redirects donations from war tax resisters into “life-giving activities.”

Mini-Me: General Strike 101 for the Deaf & Dumb

Who? Mini-Me?

‘Months of public sector strikes' loom: Wednesday's walkout is just the start, warn unions

  • ‘No more money on the table' to settle pension row
  • Chief Secretary to Treasury says he may take his daughter to work when her school closes for the day

Becky Barrow

The Daily Mail,  25 November 2011

Union bosses have amassed a fighting fund of tens of millions of pounds to bring the country to its knees with waves of strikes.

The rolling programme will begin – but not end – next week with the biggest walkout since the General Strike of 1926.

In a chilling warning, union barons said it was fantasy to think the action on November 30 would be a one-off.

Click on Image to Enlarge
Read full article.
Phi Beta Iota:  A number of the contributing editors have contacts on the Hill (US) and the recurring comment is that these people are completely out of touch with reality.  They have NO IDEA that Occupy is able to raise $500 million or more when the time comes to launch a wave of very personal public confrontations with INDIVIDUAL Senators and Representatives who fail to co-sponsor the Electoral Reform Act of 2012.  We are at the very very beginning of a “re-boot” of the US “system.”

Tom Atlee: #OWS Nonviolence & Leadership Evolving

Tom Atlee

#OWS => New forms of Nonviolence and Leadership emerging??

Something remarkable has been going on out there – especially at UC Davis. I have a hard time figuring out how to articulate it. I haven't yet seen anyone talk about quite what I'm seeing, so I'll give it a try.

Here's what it looks like to me: Nonviolent activism is evolving rapidly right before our eyes. The level of spot-on – and often spontaneous – nonviolent creativity that's showing up exceeds what I've seen before, to an extent that I wonder if a fundamentally new and more powerful form of nonviolent action is emerging.

. . . . . . .

While my initial response was to appreciate the students' powerful use of silence, I realized today another significant aspect was the speed with which this innovative response was born and implemented: It happened just one day after the incident that triggered it.

Then I saw an 8 minute video that showed what happened IMMEDIATELY after the pepper spray incident

Read a powerful summary of facts and analysis of potential.

Theophilis Goodyear: Retired Police Captain to OWS


I transcribed a TV interview with retired police Captain Ray Lewis, below, and typed it up in the form of a news article. He's sympathetic to the OWS cause and was arrested at a protest in New York. He says some protesters are hurting the cause by the way they're confronting police, and he offers some suggestions.<


Retried Police Captain Ray Lewis: An Important Message to OWS Protestors about How to Get the Police on Your Side

Lewis says that shouting at police doesn't help the situation. Protestors should just give their heartfelt feelings about why they're protesting.

Lewis was arrested at an OWS protest in New York along with 300 other Occupy Wall Street protestors and is very sympathetic to the OWS cause.

He recently appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show. This is a transcript of his interview. The link is provided for reference. Lewis' interview doesn't begin until about 6:20 minutes into the video clip:

Transcript Below the Line

Continue reading “Theophilis Goodyear: Retired Police Captain to OWS”

Josh Kilbourn: 99% Deficit Proposal, The Bewildered

Joshua Kilbourn

The 99%’s Deficit Proposal: How to create jobs, reduce the wealth divide and control spending

Prepared by Occupy Washington DC

Freedom Plaza, November 2011

The disconnect between Congress and the people is vast.  For decades, Congress has been passing laws that benefit the 1%, their campaign donors and big business interests, rather than creating a fair economy that serves all U.S. citizens. With this report Occupy Washington, DC shows that Congress is out of touch with evidence-based solutions, supported by the majority of Americans that can revive the economy, reduce the deficit and wealth divide while create millions of jobs.

Read full manifesto.

See Also:

The Occupy Movement Bewilders Those in Media & Power