Mongoose: Is Jared Kushner a Traitor Taking Us to Undeclared Proxy Nuclear War with Iran?

Embassy Staffers Say Jared Kushner Shut Them Out of Saudi Meetings Kushner, who has developed a personal relationship with the crown prince, embarked on several trips to Saudi Arabia over the last several years. On one occasion, he traveled overseas without announcing his trip publicly. He often travels to the region with Middle East envoy …

Gordon Duff: The End of Trump? Robert Steele: Why Not the End of Bushes & Clintons? + RECAP UPDATE 1: NYPD Repudiation of Duff Article

Blockbuster: The Secret Cohen Investigation, Why the Public Only Got “the Sideshow” It’s not about Cohen. It’s not even really about Trump. It’s about bringing the whole gang down from A to Z, including all those that helped and protected them. The US security orgs will have some soul searching to do. Semion Mogilevich  –  …

State of the Nation: Trump Cuts Deal with Bush & Clinton Crime Families?

Trump Enters Uneasy Truce with Deep State Bush Funeral “Envelope Affair” Solved: The Mexican Standoff Inside the Beltway Editors, State of the Nation •  The swamp inside the Beltway will NOT be drained — not even a little — because any prosecutions would make very vulnerable the various crime families.  Convictions could even lead to the …

Gordon Duff: The Deep State’s Secret War on Russia — MH-17, Another False Flag from Israel Soon…

The Deep State’s Secret War on Russia Between PMCs (Private Military Contractors) and the internet monstrosities of Google and Facebook, engineering false flag terrorism and mass murder is likely to become a real market sector alongside the Dow Jones Industrials. . . . . . Evidence from sources in Kiev now indicate that the downing …

Mongoose: Legacy of George H. W. Bush

Political Succession and “The Bush-Clinton Nexus”: Permanent Criminal State. The Legacy of George Herbert Walker Bush The atrocities and crimes of the Bush family, headed by George Herbert Walker Bush, are unspeakable and unimaginable in depravity and scale. Decades of war, war crimes, and treason. Global narcotics trafficking, money laundering, fraud and financial looting. Mass …