Robert Steele: Open Letter to GeekWire on Gab, #GoogleGestapo, the ADL/AIPAC, & the Future of Public Cyber

In re After GoDaddy cut ties following Pittsburgh shooting, Gab back online thanks to Seattle startup I ran a false flag for the CIA and am a top author on false flags including edited works for the President on 9/11 and Sandy Hook at and I also published the below free version at …

Robert Steele: Synagogue False Flag — Baloney — FEMA Legalized Lies UPDATE 17: Synagogue Business as Usual…No Bio-Hazards?

SHORT URL: UPDATE 17: Synagogue opens quickly for business as usual, no problem with the alleged bio-hazards that would have kept it closed for a week to ten days. Note also two competing cover stories, one from New York one from Pittsburgh, of two different groups claiming to be responsible for the ritual cleaning.

John McAfee: Presidential Alerts Can Be Two Way with E911

Fact Check: Are the ‘Presidential Alerts’ Capable of Accessing Your Phone’s Mic and Camera? “The ‘Presidential alerts,’” McAfee tweeted Wednesday, “they are capable of accessing the E911 chip in your phones – giving them full access to your location, microphone, camera and every function of your phone. This not a rant, this is from me, …

Yoda: The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies

Ahhhh, soooo. The Big Hack: How China Used a Tiny Chip to Infiltrate U.S. Companies Nested on the servers’ motherboards, the testers found a tiny microchip, not much bigger than a grain of rice, that wasn’t part of the boards’ original design. Amazon reported the discovery to U.S. authorities, sending a shudder through the intelligence …

Rebecca Campbell: Air India Pilot Fights Off Remote Hijack Over NYC? Did a Deep State False Flag Just Fail? UPDATE

Indian pilot saves 370 lives by manually landing plane after all flight systems fail Why did a Boeing 777-300 mysteriously lose all flight controls as it approached New York on 9/11? One from India no less? Most likely it was a remote hijack situation that for whatever reason (maybe maintenance did not solder a wire right …