Gareth Porter: How the U.S. Navy Sold the Vietnam War with Lies About Anti-Catholic Atrocities

How the U.S. Navy Sold the Vietnam War Dr. Tom Dooley, whose best-selling book “Deliver Us From Evil” helped create a favorable climate of opinion for U.S. intervention in South Vietnam, has long been linked to legendary CIA officer Edward G. Lansdale and his black operations in Vietnam between 1954 and 1955. But the real …

Zero Hedge: Matt Taibbi — It’s Official – “Russiagate’ Lies Destroy Entire US Press Corps – This Is a Death Blow

Taibbi: It’s Official – ‘Russiagate’ Is This Generation’s WMD The Iraq war faceplant damaged the reputation of the press. Russiagate just destroyed it… Nobody wants to hear this, but news that Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller is headed home without issuing new charges is a death-blow for the reputation of the American news media. Nothing Trump …

Richard Gage: Families, Lawyers, and Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth Sue FBI over It’s 2015 “Report”

Families, Lawyers, AE911Truth to File Lawsuit against FBI over ‘9/11 Review Commission Report’ on Mar. 25 Next week, for the first time ever, 9/11 family members and advocates are taking legal action against the FBI aimed at forcing the Bureau to assess and report the evidence of the World Trade Center’s explosive demolition known to …

State of the Nation: Trump Cuts Deal with Bush & Clinton Crime Families?

Trump Enters Uneasy Truce with Deep State Bush Funeral “Envelope Affair” Solved: The Mexican Standoff Inside the Beltway Editors, State of the Nation •  The swamp inside the Beltway will NOT be drained — not even a little — because any prosecutions would make very vulnerable the various crime families.  Convictions could even lead to the …

BREAKING: Benjamin Fulford — Is Trump Being Blackmailed by Kushner? Zionists Press for War with Iran — Alternative to Trump for 2020? UPDATE 2: Has Trump Cut a Deal with Bush & Clinton Crime Families?

Khazarian mafia play Trump blackmail card in final bid to avoid extermination By Benjamin Fulford Partial post with permission. Register/Subscribe ($11/month) here. The Khazarian mafia is in a state of deep panic as more and more people, including many Jews, wake up to their horrors.  That is why they are playing their trump card by blackmailing …