Mongoose: Are Democrats Under Trump Control?

Proof of Submission to Trump / 3Days3Nights “Relax. Trump already won. He forced the globe to submit to #MAGA under fear of DECLASS. Everything you are witnessing now is the dead cat bounce of Satanic Socialists. And it will wake up BILLIONS. Here’s proof to make your day. ”

Yoda: Trump is a Bodhisattva – The Chosen One — The First President Since JFK NOT Controlled by the Deep State and the CIA?

Alert Reader writes in: Trump is a genius. He doesn’t give a hoot about appearances. He is battling centuries of corruption and they want it all and this is a fight to the death. BLM has spent millions on automatic weapons. All the California fires, year after year are engineered. It’s bad. Covid symptoms are …

Q and Trump Team Defeat Deep State from Inside Out 1/3

Q and Trump Team Defeat Deep State from Inside Out 1/3 Sleeping masses delay the Q-Plan Deep State’s satanic control is long-term conspiracy Only our Mass Awakening Liberates Planet Earth Q and Trump Team streamed on Soundcloud Read short text liberally illustrated with great cartoons.

Mongoose: The COVID-19 PSYOP Plan Revealed — Mass Mind-Control — Unethical, Unnecessary, UnAmerican….

Alert Reader sends this in — we do not make this shit up. COVID-19 Vaccine Messaging, Part 1 Brief Summary:This study tests different messages about vaccinating against COVID-19 once the vaccine becomes available. Participants are randomized to 1 of 12 arms, with one control arm and one baseline arm. We will compare the reported willingness …